Bound by Forever - (True Immortality #3) Page 0,129

rip out Sakura’s heart. Their eyes shot toward the sound to see Haruto and Daiki both dropping to their knees, their bodies loosening like their strings had been cut.

They sprawled forward lifelessly, and a figure behind them stepped into the torchlight.

A stunning redhead stared placidly at them, Daiki’s and Haruto’s hearts clenched in her hands.


Sakura’s scream of grief wrenched Kiyo out of his stunned stupor.

“While I appreciate your expeditiousness in removing the other wolves from the picture,” Astra said to Kiyo, “I’m beginning to grow impatient with this conversation while my sister is in torment.”

Realizing what Sakura did not, that they were in the presence of a far more powerful enemy, Kiyo blurred toward Niamh, falling at her side. His fist wrapped around the dagger in her lower back. He tugged it out, his stomach lurching at how deeply embedded it had been.

“Komorebi,” he murmured, throwing the dagger away. Kiyo leaned down, brushing her hair off her face. “Komorebi, wake up.”

“A-a-wake,” she replied hoarsely, barely audible. “C-can’t move.”


He glanced over his shoulder at the piercing howl that echoed around the basement.

A black wolf, much smaller than Kiyo, bared its teeth as it prowled toward Astra.


His eyes searched the floor near Sakura’s clothes, but he couldn’t see the gleam of gold and green from the pendant.

They’d have to leave it.

“Come on.” He slid his arms under his mate. Ignoring the ache from his own wounds, he swung Niamh up into his arms and eyed the exit—

A shimmer of gold flew up in front of them.

He turned and another wall appeared.

And another.

And another, until he and Niamh were trapped in a magical cage.

“What’s happening?” she mumbled wearily against his throat.

He kicked at the barrier and it hit back with such impact, it took him to the ground and Niamh with him. She cried out in pain and his heart splintered.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Astra yelled as she blurred out of Sakura’s way.

She was toying with the wolf.

Tell her to bite Astra, Niamh’s voice sounded stronger in his mind. He looked down at her to find her staring out at the fae and wolf.

“No. It’s not safe for Sakura to know about that.”

Niamh turned her head slowly, like it weighed a ton. Astra will kill her.

“I know,” he responded grimly.

Shaking her head, Niamh pushed against his hold. He grunted as she hit the wound on his hip. She tensed. “Kiyo?”

“I’m okay.”

She fumbled for his shirt, revealing his silver-inflicted wound. Then her eyes flew to his throat where the cut ached the worst. “What happened here?”

“One of Sakura’s wolves tried to decapitate me with a silver katana. Now let’s go.”

Just like that, the color returned to her cheeks. Dark circles remained under her eyes, but the indignant rage flooding out of her fueled a renewed strength.

Niamh pushed to her feet as Astra laughed gaily.

They looked out of the cage to see her traveling from one spot to another to avoid Sakura who grew more aggressive with frustration. Niamh raised her hands against the barrier. Energy pulsed from her like a light bulb at the end of its life.


She shook her head, fierce determination filling her expression. “How many times did they wound you?”


“How many?” She glared at him.

“There’s a cut on my back as well.”

At that, she shocked the shit out of him by throwing her head back on a scream of pure anger. That release was like the doors of a dam breaking open. Golden light streamed out of her in warm, pulsating waves.

When it faded, the cage was gone.

Sakura and Astra had stopped their fighting to stare in wonder.

Astra grinned, pride in her eyes. “There she is.”

A growl ripped through the air and Sakura raced for Niamh, canines out.

Kiyo’s heart lurched into his throat and he rushed forward, pushing Niamh out of the way.

But there was no need.

Astra appeared on Sakura’s back, her arms wrapped around the alpha’s neck. With a hard twist of bones, muscle, and tendons, she tore Sakura’s head from her body. They collapsed in a heap of wolf remains.

“That was unpleasant.” Astra threw Sakura’s head from her hands. She looked down at the carcass she was still sprawled atop and beamed. “But worth it. This is just what I’ve been looking for.”

Gold and green gleamed from beneath fur and gore.

Neither he nor Niamh were fast enough.

Astra picked up the jade pendant and stepped away from what was left of Sakura. She shot Niamh a satisfied smile. “I told you we’d be together finally.”

Kiyo blinked.

A mere blink.

And Niamh was Copyright 2016 - 2024