Bound by Forever - (True Immortality #3) Page 0,115

you and me. They’re pretty respected in Japan, and Lucy and I love anything with a hint of supernatural or occult to it. Anyway, our new friend told us that a famous family of miko lived in Sakai and the latest generation owned a tavern.

Well, we had to go, right?! So we found the entrance to the tavern down a very narrow alley between a bunch of buildings crammed together. We’d never have known it was there if our newbie friend hadn’t told us.

Kiyo sighed with impatience. “Does she get to the point anytime soon?”

“Yeah, keep reading.”

As soon as we stepped inside, it was like the dark little place was charged with electricity. It’s hard to describe. All I can say is that the bartenders were the least friendly people we’ve met while being in Japan. It was like they didn’t want us there or something!!! And the clientele … off the charts CREEPY. The whole vibe was very mystical and goosebumpy.

“Goosebumpy? Really?”

Niamh laughed. “So she’s no Shakespeare. Just keep reading.”

When we asked the lady bartender about the so-called family legacy, she said if we didn’t get out, she’d CURSE us! Lucy and I almost stayed just to see if it would happen but, seriously, guys, we freaking believed her. Call us crazy all you want, but you’ll understand what we mean when you visit. And for an authentic mystical Japanese experience, you HAVE to visit Nakamura Izakaya in Sakai to hang out with the descendants of the überfamous Mizuki Nakamura, the most powerful miko in the history of Japan!

“Shit,” Kiyo breathed, not believing what he was reading.

“It has to be her, right? Sakai is the area she lived in?”

Kiyo nodded. “The Nakamuras lived in the Sakai ward. Their men were involved in trade.”

“Then I guess we’re going to their tavern to ask a few questions. If we’re lucky, they might have a jade pendant hanging on the wall as a souvenir.”

He threw her a wry look. “Yeah, it’ll be that easy.”

“It’s our only lead.”

He exhaled heavily, dropping the tablet on the sofa. “Then I guess we’re going to Osaka.”

“What about Sakura’s fight tomorrow?”

“We’ll return in time for the fight … and hopefully we’ll have the pendant and we can get the hell out of Japan and go somewhere Astra can’t find you.”

Tokyo Station was busy but nowhere near as crowded as it would be in a few hours when it was rush hour. Upon checking which type of shinkansen would get them to Osaka the fastest, they bought tickets on the Nozomi. That bullet train would get them into Osaka in two and a half hours. Despite the gravity of the reason for the trip, Niamh was openly excited about getting to ride on a bullet train for more than a few minutes.

“And first-class tickets that cost an absolute fortune,” she said gleefully. “You didn’t have to do that.”

Kiyo slid his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side as he guided her through the station toward their platform. “Did it make you like me more?”

She grinned. “I like you enough as it is. If I like you any more, I’m likely to succumb to the affliction.”

He shook with laughter, understanding completely.

But his amusement died instantly when he saw five wolves pushing through the crowds toward them.

“What the hell?” Niamh tensed. “What now?”

Kiyo tightened his hold on her as they found themselves encircled by the werewolves. Passengers gave them a wide berth and the station guards turned their backs, recognizing the high-ranking members of Pack Iryoku. Kiyo glared into the familiar light brown gaze of Kobe.

He sneered at Kiyo and asked in Japanese, “Going somewhere?”

“What’s it to you?” Kiyo answered in English.

“Arufua-san commanded your presence in the city,” Kobe returned in English, his eyes bouncing between Kiyo and Niamh. “Neither you nor the mahoutsukai can leave without permission. We thought this was made clear to you.”

“No. I have a deal with Sakura that I’ll fight for her tomorrow night. That’s where our deal starts and ends. You can’t tell me where I can and cannot go.”

“You come with us. Sort this out with Arufua-san.”

“We have somewhere to be.”

“Yes, you do.” The wolves moved in closer.

Kiyo, let’s just go with them, Niamh spoke in his mind. Let them think we’re doing what we’re told. I can get us on that train afterward.

He squeezed her waist in acknowledgment but kept his eyes on Kobe. “Fine. We’ll go back to our hotel.”

“No. You come with us.”

He tensed, ready to fight.

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