Bound by Danger (The Alliance #6) - Brenda K. Davies Page 0,95

enjoy killing her, brother.”

Yannis barely managed to avoid having the sword driven through his heart, but as he lunged to the side, Lucien brought the blade down across his brother’s arm. Yannis shifted in time to avoid losing his arm, but blood poured forth.

Lucien was about to go at him when a group of Savages swarmed him. He lost sight of his brother as the creatures spilled over the top of him. Staggered by the onslaught of their weight, he managed to keep himself standing by sticking the tip of his sword into the ground.

Callie watched in horror as the monsters piled on top of Lucien, but he wasn’t the only one they swarmed like a horde of pissed-off yellow jackets. Asher and Logan vanished beneath another wave, and Killean and Simone were barely fending off more of them.

The only ones who remained a little clear of the monsters were Declan, Willow, and Saber, and that was only because the Savages were afraid of the sword. She didn’t blame them.

Callie shifted into reverse as a Savage leapt onto the hood of the vehicle, pulled back its hand, and hammered it into the spiderwebbed glass. Callie kept her foot on the brake and lifted the gun from the passenger seat. She aimed at the Savage as its hand broke through the glass and pulled the trigger.

They were so close she couldn't miss, and the Savage’s head shot back as the bullet hit it in the forehead. The deafening sound of the shot made her ears ring to the point where she couldn’t hear anything else.

Still, she took her foot off the brake and hit the gas. More Savages fell beneath the onslaught of the vehicle, but others grabbed the doors and pounded against the glass. When she hit the brakes again, the containers slid forward in the back, and the Savages swarmed like bees over the vehicle until she couldn’t see anything beyond them.

Her heart raced, and her sweaty palms could barely grip the wheel. She glanced at her container of horses. They were her last remaining connection to her father, her most cherished possession, but they may have cost them all their lives.

She should have let them go, but it was too late for should haves now. All she could do now was pray they made it out of this mess and fight like a rabid dog.

Keeping the gun in one hand, she grasped the stake in the other. She didn’t dare put the vehicle into drive again. She couldn’t see past the Savages enough to navigate it without risking hitting one of her friends.

When the window beside her shattered, she wasn’t surprised. Leaning across the passenger seat, she turned and fired the gun again. She’d probably be deaf for the rest of her life, but she would take as many of these fuckers down as she could.

She was still firing at the Savages trying to come through the driver’s side door when hands grasped her from behind. A scream lodged in her throat. She hadn’t heard them breaking through the passenger window, but they jerked at her arms as they pulled her from the vehicle. She kicked and thrashed as they dragged her across the earth.

Their brutal grip pinched her flesh. She didn’t realize she was still pulling the trigger until they tore the gun from her hands. Her fingers bent, and she was sure a couple of them broke from the wrenching motion. She’d been out of bullets, but she felt more exposed without the weapon.

She retained the stake in her other hand, but it wouldn’t do much good against these things. She was a mere mortal against supernatural beings.

They suddenly stopped dragging her and lifted her to spin her around. Callie thrashed against their hold, but her movements did little good as the creatures barely noticed her struggle.

Callie shook back her hair and lifted her eyes to glower at her captors. No matter what, she would never let them see her terror. She bit back a gasp when Yannis stepped in front of her. His eyes were a vivid shade of red, and his face was strikingly similar to Lucien’s.

How could this monster be related to the man she loved so much?

And he was a monster. There was no doubt about that as she took in the gleeful joy he exuded while he watched her. His eyes ran over her and his lips curved into a smile.

“So, we meet again,” he said.

His words barely penetrated the ringing Copyright 2016 - 2024