Bound by Danger (The Alliance #6) - Brenda K. Davies Page 0,18

are?” she asked as she returned her attention to him.


“I’d like to say it’s nice to meet you, Lucien, but I’d be lying.”

A small smile played at the corners of his full mouth as he tilted his head to study her. “It is nice to meet you, Callie, and that is the truth.”

She didn’t know how to take that, and thankfully she was saved from having to figure it as he continued.

“We have to get out of here. As soon as the sun sets, they’ll be hunting us. We only have a day to put as much distance between them and us as possible.”

Callie gulped. “You could let me go.”

“And where would you go? Home?”

“Yes. And I would never reveal to anyone what happened here tonight or what you are, or”—she waved a hand at the burning bodies—“what they are. I swear it. Besides, no one would believe me if I did try to tell them.”

“And what would you do when they hunted you down and showed up at your house?”

“They grabbed me off the street. They have no idea who I am.”

“You didn’t have a purse on you?”

“I don’t carry purses….”

Her voice trailed off as her hands went to the front of her pockets. She didn’t carry purses, but she did keep a small holder with her ID and credit cards. She felt the emptiness of her pockets, but she couldn’t stop herself from continuing to pat them as if that would somehow make her ID magically reappear.

“But you had something else,” he said when she stopped speaking and a panicked look came over her face.

“It could have fallen out somewhere. I could have left it at the bar. I pulled it out to pay for drinks. I wasn’t drunk, but I had a good buzz going. It could easily be there. I could have….”

She couldn’t finish the sentence as she recalled her captor’s hands running over her body as she lay on the cold floor of the van. She didn’t think they’d taken anything from her, but she’d been so petrified she probably wouldn’t remember it.

“Just because it’s gone doesn’t mean they know who I am,” she stated.

“Is that a chance you’re willing to take?”

“What am I supposed to do, give up my entire life? And do what? I have nowhere else to go and no one to go to. If they know my name, then they can track me anywhere.”

Lucien pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes as he shoved aside his incessant, whispering thoughts to feed and kill. She needed him to be rational right now; he couldn’t give in to the madness seeping through his brain.

What do you care what she thinks or needs? It was a good question; he couldn’t recall the last time he considered someone else… outside of his friends in the Alliance. And even then, half the time, he’d prefer to take his friend’s feelings and shove them up their asses.

Why didn’t he feed on her and ease his misery? What did it matter if he harmed her? She may not want it, but what did he care? He wanted it.

He gritted his teeth against his impulse to take her blood and lowered his hands. Her cognac-colored eyes watched him warily while her distress beat against him, but she kept her chin high.

“It’s my life,” she said. “I can’t give it up.”

“If you go home, you’ll be giving it up. They will find you and kill you.”

The words came out callous, but they didn’t have time to stand here while she tried to figure out her life.

“Look, none of this will matter if we don’t get out of here,” he said. “We have a small window of time, and we need to take advantage of it. You can figure this out at another time. Until then, you’re coming with me.”

She recoiled a little from his pitiless words, and her eyes flew back to the doorway. Something in her eyes, and the way she winced before covering it up, caught his attention. He tried to figure out what he’d seen there, but his mind was too cluttered, and his hunting instincts kicked into hyperdrive as he prepared to chase her down again, but she didn’t try to flee.

“And where are we supposed to go?” she demanded as she waved a hand at him before turning it on herself. She wasn’t anywhere near as bad as him, but dirt and blood stained her clothes, and she was sure it was on Copyright 2016 - 2024