Bound by Danger (The Alliance #6) - Brenda K. Davies Page 0,115

with their mouths hanging ajar. The glow of the jewel must have drawn them back to the room.

Still standing in front of the chair, and more coated in remains than the rest of them, Willow clasped the hilt in both hands and lowered the sword tip to rest it against the ground. She wiped ash away from her mouth before speaking.

“Next time, I’ll know to duck,” she said.

“Fuck next time,” Declan snarled.

But they all knew there would be a next time. The sword was far too powerful not to wield it as a weapon against their enemies.

No one spoke as the demon’s remains floated through the air and settled on the ground.

Chapter Fifty

Lucien pulled Callie into his arms and nestled her against his chest. Though she was immortal now, she still seemed so small and fragile to him. The Savages and demons could rip her away from him, and their numbers were growing.

However, he didn’t want to think about them as he cradled his mate. It had taken him so long to find her, and he’d never believed it would happen to him. He’d considered himself incapable of love since Coralie’s death, but Callie had taught him that he wasn’t.

He cared for and loved his fellow Defenders. Those emotions had spread to some of the hunters once they forged the Alliance. It was impossible not to care about those he fought beside day in and day out.

He’d never considered his feelings for them to be ones of love before Callie entered his life, but he saw the truth of it now. For centuries, he’d considered himself dead inside, but if he was as dead as he tried to believe, he would have become a Savage years ago.

Callie had made him love more than he ever would have believed possible, and every day, his love for her grew.

No matter what the demons and Savages planned, no matter what the future held for them, he would be eternally grateful he found her.

Resting her head on his chest, Callie listened to the reassuring thump of Lucien’s heart as she gazed at the horse her dad carved for her sitting on the nightstand. She smiled as a sense of peace settled over her. She’d never dreamed of finding a love like this, but then, she never could have suspected the hidden world existing alongside hers all these many years.

Now she realized her world was far more complex and layered than she’d ever known. It had been a frightening revelation, but she would never trade her newfound knowledge for the blissful ignorance of her life before she was kidnapped.

She never could have seen her life going this way, but though the dreams she’d harbored for years were gone, she had many new dreams she looked forward to living out with Lucien at her side. She was terrified of what their future held, but she planned to cherish every second of their time together.

Soon, he would return to the field, and she would start her more intense training to fight the Savages so she could one day join him. She was not looking forward to fighting and killing, but she was excited to make a difference in this battle, and she was determined to do so.

“I love you,” Lucien murmured as he ran his fingers up and down her spine.

Callie shivered in response to his tender touch. “I love you too.”

And she would spend an eternity loving him and fighting for him. She lifted her face, and their lips met in a tender kiss that soon turned into something more.


One year later

Callie kept her attention on the lamb she was tending. The small animal had gotten entangled in some fencing and required a few stitches to close the gash it received.

Since first arriving at the compound, she’d set up a small veterinary clinic to nurse the growing number of animals living there. Not only were there dogs, cats, sheep, and chickens, but they’d started bringing in cows and horses to help them with plowing the growing fields the hunters planted for food.

The stomp of a foot drew her attention to Doc Holliday, or Doc as she called him. Her horse stood outside the fence, nibbling on the lush grass there. Lucien gave him to her on their six-month anniversary.

The gelding was a beautiful palomino she rode wherever she went in the compound. She couldn’t get enough of the animal who’d become her constant companion, along with her German Shepherd, Ricochet.

Not only had Lucien made sure she Copyright 2016 - 2024