Bossy Grump - Nicole Snow Page 0,135

now, but not forever.

Duh. Not marriage material for a Brandt.

The glassy tears staining my face won’t stop. I collapse to the floor, fold my face into my hands, and sob.


His voice is so infuriatingly calm I swear it’s in my head. He couldn’t have found someone to let him in this fast anyway—I locked the door intentionally—and even if he did, it’s not like he cares.

Great. So now I’m having Wardhole hallucinations?

My sobs become painful spasms.

But a strong arm hooks around my waist and lifts me to my feet. Ward’s familiar hand is under my eye, gently wiping at my tears.

I’m too stunned to speak.

“I’m so sorry you had to hear that, Paige. There are no words,” he begins slowly. “I never wanted things to end. Not in this horrid, messy way. You’re a brilliant woman, and I respect your work. If it weren’t for the contract, the whole damned situation, I would’ve told you sooner—”

“Screw you and your contract,” I say, my voice hitched.


Nope. Not doing this. The instant he says my name, I’m straining against him, and my nails accidentally rake his arm.

He stumbles back, his eyes like dusk, gazing in shock at the two thin red lines I’ve left on his arm.

“I...I didn’t mean to,” I whisper, the endless tears assaulting me again. “Just stay away! We’ve only got a few weeks left if it’s your stupid arrangement you’re worried about.”

He stares at me slowly and nods, his face sinking like he finally gets it.

“Fair enough. You’ll get your money. I promise.”

He looks damaged. Whipped. Raw.

If I weren’t even more torn up inside, I might feel bad for him, but I steel myself for the madness on the tip of my tongue.

“Screw the money, too. Just let me go. I don’t want this anymore.” My eyes pinch together. I wanted to say you instead of this, but lying doesn’t come easy to me.

Unlike him.

“Paige, please,” he growls.

“Can’t have me making a scene, right?”

“That’s not what I meant. I want you getting what you’re entitled to.” His voice is a chemical explosion, lurching between bruised whispers and furious pleas.

“I said keep your dirty money out of my life.” I push the ring off my finger with my other hand and throw it at him. “Keep your ring, and keep your hands to yourself. I’ve still got the deposit and my dignity. That’s enough.”

But I’m not even sure I want the fricking deposit anymore for my trouble. I’ll probably send it back, but I’ll decide later with a cooler head.

I manage to fight back another wave of crippling tears until I’m on the elevator. Then I burst into unabashed death sobbing. Technically, my car is in Ward’s garage, too, but I can’t drive like this.

I could call Brina, but I don’t want to drag her into my pit, if she hasn’t jetted off with her hubby to some happy tropical place. I want to be out of here like now.

I text Reese. Do former employees still get one more ride?

She pings me almost instantly.

What? Where are you? And what happened?

The penthouse, I text back.

On my way!

In the meantime, I find a visitor bathroom in the lobby to hide in, lock myself in a stall, and bawl until my eyes hurt. When my phone buzzes, I’m still ugly crying my soul out.

I wash my face in the sink, cross my arms in front of my chest, and bite my lip. Even after running cool water over my eyes, it’s still obvious I’ve been ruined.

Somehow, I make it to the Lincoln without tripping on my own misplaced feet.

Reese turns around and looks at me with a gasp.

“Oh my God. Should I kick his ass, Paige? I’m ready!”

She throws the driver’s door open, her hair flapping as I realize she’s fully intent on marching up to Ward’s door.

“Reese, no. Just take me home. Please.”

“You sure?”


She shuts her door and puts her seat belt back on. “The old apartment, right?”

I hug myself and nod. Good thing I kept paying rent after all.

“What Neanderthal thing did he do?” Reese asks gently, pulling the car onto the road.


“C’mon.” She scoffs. “I never knew nothing could be so...harsh.”

At this point, why lie? I shrug.

“He doesn’t love me, Reese.”

“That’s...a little hard to believe,” she says carefully. “I mean, not that the Brandt boys are awesome at being honest or healthy or even sane with their feelings. Believe me, I know.”

I’m half tempted to ask what her deal is with Nick, the rumblings she’s hinted at before, but Copyright 2016 - 2024