Bossing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #4) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,33

losing a lot of blood and wasn’t progressing in her labor. After figuring out the calf was in an abnormal position, I had to do an emergency correction before they both died.

I find myself missing Elle’s presence because I know she’d be smack dab against me trying to help. After our study session yesterday, I realize more than ever that it was a bad idea to put myself in that position. Being close to her is one thing, but having real-life conversations fucks with my head. The more I get to know her, the more I struggle with my attraction to her. She tries to pull more out of me than I should share, and I’m tempted to spill it all every time she asks. The battle between right and wrong weighs on me any damn time I see her.

“C’mon, Betsy. You’ve got this,” Mr. Rhodes coaxes her. He’s more nervous than she is.

“I got it,” I tell him, slowly removing my arm. “The calf should be in the right position now.”

“Thank goodness!” He grins from ear to ear, petting Betsy’s head.

Soon, I see the hooves and legs. Moments later, the head appears, and after another few pushes, the calf is completely out.

“Thatta girl!” Mr. Rhodes praises while we give her space to groom her baby. She begins licking and cleaning off the calf. After a while, the baby tries to stand and walk.

Once I do a quick exam and determine it’s a girl, I pack up my supplies and head to my truck.

Since I don’t have any other appointments for the day, I go to the office to do some paperwork, then say goodbye to Beverly and Trina. They’ve already mentioned how they miss seeing Elizabeth, and it took everything not to make it obvious that I do too.

After I’m home and showered, I FaceTime Olivia before she goes to bed. She talks about her day, and I can’t wait for her to be here.

“Hey, Mom,” I answer when Olivia and I disconnect.

“Hi, sweetie. How are things goin’?”

“Just fine. How ’bout you?” I ask, cleaning my mess in the kitchen.

“Well, I wanted to tell you I ran into Mila Bishop and her daughter, Mackenzie, today.”

Uncertain where this conversation is going, I say, “Oh, and…?”

“Well, Mila asked about you and slipped in how Mackenzie is single. Then Mackenzie made it a point to ask if you were seeing anyone. I think it’s time you started dating again and—”

I stop her before she can continue. “She’s way too young,” I tell her. “She graduated last year, so she’s like twenty-three.”

“Age is just a number, darling. Especially when it comes to love.”

Love? God help me.

Though if I’m being honest with myself, Elle isn’t much older than Kenzie. I think they’re only two years apart.

“But anyway, I was thinking I could ask Mila for Mackenzie’s number, then pass it to you.”

“Please, no. I don’t have time to date right now, and even if I did, I can ask a woman out without your help. Okay? I appreciate the thought, but Olivia’s my main priority. Well, besides work.”

“I just hate seeing you lonely,” she says, sounding defeated. “You’re a good man, and you deserve a good woman.”

I know she means well, but unfortunately, I’ve only been interested in one woman since my divorce, and it’s the one person I can’t have.

“Thanks, Ma. You don’t need to worry about me, though, alright? What’s that saying? You’ll find love when you least expect it?” I say to amuse her.

“Oh, I don’t believe that. You’ve gotta put yourself out there. Love isn’t gonna fall into your lap without any effort.”

I chuckle at her defensive tone though it reminds me of the night at the club when Elle literally did fall into my lap, and I didn’t want to let her go.

“Well, I’m off to bed,” I announce.

“Okay, just think about the offer. Mackenzie Bishop is very pretty, ya know. Blond hair, blue eyes, really sweet girl.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of how she looks.”

She could probably throw a bale of hay with one hand. She grew up on the ranch her whole life, just like every other Bishop, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

After I finally get my mother off the phone, I finish cleaning and go to bed. I’m so damn frustrated with myself, I set my alarm before dawn so I can go for a morning run.

It’ll hopefully keep me from doing something stupid—like admitting my damn feelings or texting Elle just to check up on her—knowing Copyright 2016 - 2024