The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,7

existed. His biceps tighten as he swings his arms with each step, and his chest firms when he hits the ground, tapping it swiftly, before running back to where he started.

My mind is going a mile a minute, imagining what I would say to him if I had the chance. Lyle Vox will never give me the time of day, but a girl can dream.

'Hey, Lyle, you look good out there. What's that? I look good too? Maybe you should kiss me then. . .'

'Lyle, wow, your muscles are so hard. Do you train often? Oh, what's that? You want to kiss me?'

'Lyle, hey, you looked good out—'

“What's up, bitch!” Hands are on my shoulders, shaking me hard. Kira pops her face over my shoulder with a giant grin from ear to ear. “I see you're watching your man-meat out there. How's he looking today?” She drops down beside me, taking a bite from an apple, and looking out onto the field. “His butt looks a little smaller today. Is he not doing his squats like he's supposed to?”

“Shut up,” I say with a giggle. “I wouldn't know because I'm not watching him.”

She bumps my shoulder playfully and takes another bite of her apple. With her mouth full, she says, “Yes you are, who are you kidding? You think I haven't noticed the way you look at him? Shit, you spend all of math class just gawking at him.”

“No I don't. Just because some of us actually pay attention in class, doesn't mean we're staring at boys. I do not like Lyle Vox.” My voice is stern, and I try to be as convincing as possible. Does she believe me yet?

“Dalia and Lyle, sitting in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N. G—”

No, she isn't.

“Ew,” her voice scratches through my head. Turning to look up, Sandy Vox is right behind me. “You like my brother? Are you kidding me?” Sandy laughs, tipping her head back and closing her eyes. “You must be delusional. My brother would never like a loser like you. He'd never even give you the time of day.”

“Shut up, Sandy,” Kira barks.

“What was that?” Sandy yells loudly, causing the entire field to stop and look at us. “Dalia wants to marry my brother, Lyle? She loves him, you say?”

A few boys begin to chuckle, pointing in my direction. The world around me starts to shrink, getting fuzzier and fuzzier. I'm trying to breathe, but it's hard. My chest hurts, and the laughing is getting louder and louder.

Sandy is smirking and making kissy faces. A few other girls start to laugh along with her. I want to shout at them all, I want to tell each and every single one to go screw themselves. But I can't. My mind is blank, and I don't have the balls to give it back to her.

Because everyone, all the kids on the field, all the kids in the bleachers, they're all laughing at me. I feel so small right now. So alone. So embarrassed.

Gathering my stuff, I take off down the bleachers and across the field, making my way toward the school. I'm done. I can't stay here and be made fun of like this.

Shut up! Leave me alone! The words stay in my head, captured behind a wall of teenage silence. I should stand up for myself, but how do you stand up to the most popular girl in school?

“Dalia, wait!” Kira calls out to me, but I ignore her.

I don't stop. I pick up the pace and start to jog. I just want to be away from here, and away from Sandy. My eyes are on the bright, red double doors, when out of nowhere, the ground is gone from under my feet, and I'm looking at the ground, quickly coming up to me.

Stumbling over my own feet, I lose my balance, face planting into the dirt. I lay there for a second, because now everyone is laughing even harder. I don't even want to get up. I can feel my skin turn red, and the tears I'm trying so hard to hold in are starting to fall. Dirt is sticking to my face, getting sucked into my nose as I try to breathe.

“Oh my God, I was right!” Sandy blurts out from above me, her laughter bordering on hysterical. “Wow, you really are such a loser.”

Lifting my head, I see my sketchpad splayed open on the ground, pages of my book spilling across the grass. And right Copyright 2016 - 2024