The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,65

open hand in my direction, driving every set of eyes my way. “Well, he just got our new employee pregnant. Can you believe it? He knocked up Dalia Greene.” Her words are slurred as she sways side to side.

Glancing back at Dalia, her cheeks are red, and she looks like she's about to cry. Her breathing is picking up, and she's starting to shy away, backing away slowly as everyone stares at her.

Sucking in a big breath of air, I know exactly what to do. I'll play her game, but we both know, I can play it better.

Nodding, I lift an arm up as I turn to face the crowd. “Yes, yes, I know. I didn't think it was going to come out this way, I was planning to have a pizza party or something,” I chuckle, which in turn makes everyone else laugh. “But I guess Sandy just couldn't contain her excitement anymore.” Walking back to Dalia, I take both her hands in mine, and pull her into the center of the room. “It's true. Dalia and I just found out we're having a baby.”

The room lets out an audible gasp, and the air turns thick as jello. Everyone is looking between each other, gauging how they should react.

Should they be happy? Concerned? Angry? Upset?

No one seems to know, so they all stay eerily silent. Eyes wide, drinks in hand, waiting to see what comes next.

“But that's not the only news I have tonight,” I say loudly, making sure I'm facing Dalia. “I can't wait to have this baby with the woman I love, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.”

Dropping to one knee, I reach into my pocket, and pull out a small black ring box. Dalia throws her hands to her face, covering her mouth, while the rest of the room just watches.

Normally, I would care what other's think, I'd search for their approval, I'd strive for their welcomed nod. But this, this has nothing to do with anyone else but us. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I only care what she thinks.

I've known since I was kid that Dalia Greene would be my wife one day.

Today is the day I make that happen.

“Dalia Greene,” I say, keeping my eyes on hers and taking her left hand. “There isn't a day that's gone by in five years where you didn't cross my mind. And then you walked through that door. The moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be. I don't ever want to spend another day without you.”

Pausing, I run my thumb across her knuckles and watch a single tear trickle down her cheek. But that tear isn't a sad tear, it isn't one that comes from any pain. That tear is the happiest tear I've ever seen.

“Will you marry me?” Holding up the box, her eyes gloss over as her smile grows.

“Are you serious?”

“I'm very serious.” Kissing the back of her hand, I hold her fingers tight. “Make me the happiest man in the world and say yes.”

Tears start to fall freely as she shakes her head up and down.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sandy asks loudly, rolling her eyes. “You're really going to do this right now? You're going to get on one knee and fucking propose?” Running open hands down her face, she groans. “This is fucking insane! I throw myself at you, literally ready to give myself to you, and this is what you do?”

The room falls deadly quiet as jaws crook and brows drop.

She actually said it out loud. For everyone to hear. For all of our clients to take in, to judge, to destroy anything she ever built for herself.

Because it's all gone now. The looks on the faces around me are enough to know she didn't ruin anyone else's life but her own.

“What!?” she yells, brazenly holding her arms open and glaring at everyone. “I love him! I love him like no one else in this world will ever love him!” Sandy growls, loud and high pitched like the cackle of a hyena. “She'll never give you what you want! She'll never give you what you need! Only I can do that! Me!”

Her arms all over the place. Over her head, slapping her chest, clapping and waving. She's barely able to stand as she wobbles on the tabletop, almost falling off. She won't stop yelling, screaming obscenities and condemning the love I have for Dalia.

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