The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,56

back up, and she rolls them over the front to my chest. “I can help you relax, Lyle, I can make you feel so good.” Her hands keep moving lower and lower as I feel her lips feather across the back of my neck.

Launching from my seat, I throw my arms up to swipe her off me like a spider. “What the fuck, Sandy! What the hell are you doing?!”

“What? What's wrong?” She has a look of confusion on her face, like she really has no idea what I'm referring to.

“What's wrong? You're not seriously asking me that.” My tone is hard and loud, unable to hide the disgust I feel right now. Shaking my shoulders, I try to kick this feeling off me. I feel like there's still something crawling on me. “This is wrong! You are wrong! What the hell are you thinking?”

“Oh come on, Lyle.” She takes a step forward, attempting to reach for me. “After all this time, you still haven't realized it yet?”

“Realized what?”

“Realized that the perfect girl has always been here for you.”

Oh no. No fucking way! No way in hell!

Jerking my arm out of her reach, I glare at her. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You're my sister—my fucking sister, Sandy.” Crooking my jaw, I shake my head. “That's fucking gross.”

“It's not gross, Lyle, it's perfect. We're twins, we have a connection. The connection between us is stronger than anything you could ever build with someone else. I've been here the whole time; you've just been too blind to see it.”

“Get out,” I demand, pointing my finger at the door. “Get the fuck out of here!”

“Lyle,” she says, attempting to come closer. “Just think about it, think about it and you'll see what I see. We were made for each other.”

“Get the fuck out, Sandy! I don't want to see you! Go!” The anger I feel is brutal. I can't even believe she's coming at me like this.

Her eyes pop open wide, nostrils flaring in anger and rejection. Dropping her head, she storms past me, not saying another word, and running out the door. And I'm happy to see her go.

Sandy is looking for something I'll never give her.

Not now.

Not ever.



“What are you wearing?”

“A dress, obviously,” I say with a giggle. “It's green, strapless—”

“No,” she says, cutting me off. “I don't want to hear about it, I want to see it. Send me a pic.”

“Kira, no, I'm practically inside already. I'm not going to stop and take a picture of myself.”

“Come on, Dalia. How can I tell you how you look, if I don't see it for myself? Take a quick one, it doesn't have to be perfect.” I hear her pop the cap on a champagne bottle, and the fizzle as it explodes out the top.

“What are you doing? Is that champagne? Are you celebrating something?” I ask.

“I might have just landed the head nursing position at Regency.”

“Oh my God, Kira, when did this happen?”

“Earlier today.”

“Congratulations!” I yell, causing the other people walking past me on the sidewalk to whip around and stare at me like I'm crazy. Lowering my voice, I keep talking. “I'm so happy for you.”

“Thank you, I'm excited. I worked really hard to get here, and it finally paid off. But we can talk about me later. Right now, I want to see the dress you picked.”

“All right, fine, one sec.” Taking a second to look around, there are people everywhere. I groan quietly to myself, wishing the street was empty. But that's never going to happen, this is New York, the city that never sleeps. Holding out the phone, I click the camera button, and snap a quick picture. Hitting send, I ask, “Did you get it?”

“Yup, got it. You look freaking amazing. Seriously, good choice.” She pauses, and I hear the smile in her voice as she asks, “So. . . Have you thought about any baby names yet?”

“No, not yet. I haven't really had the chance to talk to Lyle about it. I kind of promised his sister I'd give him some space so he could focus here.”

“You what?” She lets out a loud grunt, and I can hear her grind her teeth. “Why the hell would you tell her that?”

I can't tell her the truth. I don't want to get into it right now. “I don't know, she said he's been distracted, and I thought—”

“No, you don't take orders from her. She might be your boss, but that doesn't mean she can Copyright 2016 - 2024