The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,54

everything from her.

Her thoughts. Her feelings. Her fucking heart in my hands.

Everything I thought I already had.

“Are you not feeling good today? Any morning sickness?”

She shrugs a shoulder, not letting her eyes directly hit mine. “Maybe a little, but I'm fine, really. Don't worry, I won't throw up in your office.”

“That's good.” I walk to the window, and look outside briefly, then walk back to her. “Do you know why I called you in here?”

“You haven't told me yet, so no.”

What the hell is going on with her? Why is she being this way?

“Because I wanted to see you. Didn't you want to see me? I tried to call you last night, you didn't answer. I sent you messages and they went unanswered. I don't understand why. I figured you'd want to discuss the baby and what we're going to do.”

“What we're going to do?” she asks, her brows dropping.

“Yeah, you know, where we're going to live, maybe names for the baby, how we're going to tell everyone. That type of stuff.”

“We're still co-workers, Lyle. Don't you think we should maybe keep it low key for now? What will everyone else think?” she asks, her head angling down as she looks up at me under hooded eyes.

Dalia nibbles on her lip, and fuck if that little movement doesn't make me just want to tear off all her clothes and fuck her right here.

Something's wrong, and I need to know what it is.

I take a wide step and start circling her like a shark. “Is there another reason?”

“Like what?”

“I don't know, that's why I'm asking. Are you ashamed? Having regrets?”

“Why would you ask me that?” I'm standing behind her, and she glances back at me over her shoulder. “Do I look ashamed?”

“That question's for you, not for me, so don't turn it around.” Stepping up close, I wrap my hands around her waist, and nuzzle my face into her back. “You smell amazing,” I say, closing my eyes as I inhale deeply.

Dalia holds her breath, I feel her chest freeze, and her skin go cold. Taking a long step forward, she twists around quickly. “What do you want me to say, Lyle? I'm still trying to process all this, just like you. This isn't easy for either of us, it's a lot to take in.”

“No, not for me. I know what I want, I don't need to think a second more about it.”

Boxing her in, I trap her between the desk and myself. She has nowhere to go. My arms are out, creating a wall I'll never let her pass.

I want answers. These half answers aren't working for me.

Dalia takes another step back, stretching her arms behind her. She doesn't look scared of me, and she shouldn't be, but I do want something from her. And I'm not letting her go until I get it.

I want to see her smile; I want to see her excited just like I am for this baby she's carrying. I want to know she wants me just as badly as I want her.

I take another long step forward, forcing her back until she can't take any more steps. She's leaning against my desk, her fingers gripping the edge so hard her knuckles are white.

“I don't like this, Dalia, I don't like this at all. Something's different. You're stiff, cold. . . The light is gone. It's like you're trying to pretend none of this real.”

“I don't know what you mean, Lyle. I'm just trying to do my work, that's it.”

“That's it?” I ask, gripping her shoulder and spinning her to face my desk. Using an open palm, I push between her shoulder blades, forcing her to lean forward.

She doesn't fight me, she doesn't deny me. Dalia inhales an audible breath. That little noise, the way her throat stretches and the muscles in her neck tense, it makes my blood warm and my dick hard.

“Yes, that's it.” Her voice is all air as her head rolls from one shoulder to the next.

Lowering my face to her ear, I watch goosebumps erupt down her skin with a shiver that zips through my fingertips. Biting the shell of her ear, I drag the sharp edges of my teeth down the curve. “You're not a good liar, Dalia, you never have been. There's more to this little game you're playing, and I'm going to prove it.”

Her back arches hard, forcing her ass against my dick. My heart is racing, and the blood is rushing from my brain to fill Copyright 2016 - 2024