The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,34

that now.

But what the fuck is her problem?

The way she's acting, the tone of her voice, she almost sounds jealous. And not jealous of wishing she was the one who had brought in these clients. She sounds jealous of me taking Dalia to lunch.

That's ridiculous. Why the hell would she be jealous of that?

Shaking off the idea, I push Sandy out of mind, and open the door. I'm not going to let her ruin this for Dalia. She deserves to be recognized, and that's what I'm doing.

“So, where do you want to go for lunch?”

“I don't know, what are the options?”

“Anything you want, just name the place.”


“Yup, anything.” Stretching my fingers over the back of the chair, I lean forward. “It's on me.”

“Oh well, now that changes everything.” Dalia smiles, causing my stomach to clench and my cock to jerk. Giggling, she taps a finger against her chin and looks up at the ceiling. “I know,” she says, bobbing her head up and down.

She picks a nice little bistro off Fourth and Main. Taking her down into the parking garage, I hit the button to unlock my car.

“Are you sure we should do this?”

“Do what?”

“Go out for lunch? I mean, won't people talk?”

“Fuck them if they do. I don't work for them, they work for me.” Shrugging a shoulder, I pull open her door for her.

Dalia laughs, and that fucking laugh sends the blood straight from my brain to my dick. “That's true.” Dalia drops down into the seat. Using the tips of her fingers, she runs them across the dashboard. “I really love this car, it's gorgeous.”

Smiling down at her, I say, “You keep going like you have been, maybe I'll buy you one someday.”

Her eyes jump to mine, head tilting a hair. “Yeah, no thanks.” Slipping her fingers into the door handle, she closes the door for herself.

Climbing into the front beside her, she has her hands tucked under her legs. Her eyes are set on the windshield, and her back is completely straight.

“Nervous?” I ask her.

“With you? No. I mean your little show in the break-room was something, but I'm not nervous with you. With your sister on the other hand, she terrifies me.” Dalia giggles, but behind her laugh I know she's serious.

I don't blame her, my sister is a lot to handle, but it's not like she's dangerous.“What was that little side conversation in the hall about anyway?” she asks cautiously.

Ugh, my sister. I don't want to talk about her right now.

“You know what, screw my sister, she isn't here right now. This lunch is for you. It's my treat for all the incredible work you've been doing.”

Dalia grins, relaxing a little into the seat. “I appreciate it, I really do, but you know you don't have to take me out to lunch to show it, right?”

“I know, but I want to.” My eyes are on hers, trying to read her. “Is that wrong? Do you not want to go out to lunch?”

“No, that's not it. It's not wrong, Lyle, but if you think all I care about is money and expensive things, then you really don't know me at all.” Dalia moves her hands to her lap, and starts drumming her fingers.

“Tell me then, tell me what you care about.”

Her eyes meet mine. They move around my face as her fingers keep moving. She looks like she's about to tell me, and then she stops. “It doesn't really matter.” Shaking her head, she drops her eyes back to her lap.

“Yes it does,” I say, urging her to tell me everything that just went through her head. “I want to know.”

Dalia moves her eyes back to mine, her face flat. “You really want to know?” she asks, so I nod, urging her to keep going. “All right, it's going to sound corny, but, gestures matter. Kindness matters, intent. . .” Pausing, her voice lowers as she whispers under her breath. “Love—”

Dalia stops breathing, every muscle in her body goes stiff as her eyes snap to mine.

I keep my eyes on her, letting what she said sink in. Chuckling, I reach out my hand to touch her face.

She jerks away slightly, stunned and not expecting it. But then she relaxes as my thumb sweeps across her jaw, and my fingers trace the curve up to her ear. Dalia shivers, and that shiver zips through the pads of my fingers and down my arm, hitting my chest like a lightning bolt.

Pinching her chin between my thumb and Copyright 2016 - 2024