Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,71

hall, asking, "Can I get more information about this café? I need my breakfast brain ready to make these critical decisions."

I caught another glance at that horrible blouse, the one that'd certainly come from a bland women's store where everything was neutral toned and ruffled in superfluous ways. Okay, maybe this blouse wasn't that bad but it was a disservice to Zelda. It smothered all her wonky weirdness. It even appeared to fade that stripe of blue hair behind her ear.

"Don't tell me the sandwiches are canceled because my office attire is too office-y for you."

I huffed out a laugh. As if I'd deprive her of anything she wanted. "Not canceled," I replied. "But I fully intend to say perverted things to you while we wait in line."

Zelda tapped the elevator button for the ground floor. "Pssh. Like I'd mind that."

After procuring breakfast and ascending to the nineteenth floor of my office building, I held the suite's door open for Zelda and followed her inside. "This is us."

I studied her as she swept a gaze over the small waiting room and receptionist's desk but her expression remained cool and curious. She knotted her fingers around the strap of her purse and tucked her hair over her ear three times.

"We have a conference room right here." I pushed that door open to illustrate though it was pointless given the walls were floor-to-ceiling glass and she could see this for herself. "Offices on either side. Supplies, storage, and restroom down the hall. My office is over there," I said, pointing to another glass-walled enclosure.

When Zelda didn't move or react in any obvious way, I brought my hand to the small of her back and led her into my office. We'd sit, we'd eat, we'd figure this thing out.

I set my coffee on the small meeting table near the door and deposited my laptop bag on my desk chair. Shrugging out of my suit coat hurt like a motherfucker but it had to be done. I couldn't work in that thing, not all day.

With the coat cloaked over my chair, I started rolling up my shirtsleeves. It wasn't until I flipped open the second cuff that I realized Zelda hadn't said a word since stepping off the elevator. Peering up at her, I found she was still glancing around the space, her lips pursed and her fingers tangled on that strap.

I beckoned her toward the table. "Why do I get the sense I'm going to need all of this coffee in my system before you start asking questions?"

"No, no, it's fine," she replied as she craned her neck around to squint at the receptionist's desk. "No fortification required."

I sat down, rested my hands on my thighs. "Then what's wrong?"

"I wouldn't say anything is wrong."

I stared at her because it was too soon to drag her into my lap. Not that I was allowed that pleasure here. "What would you say?"

She shook her head, busied herself with unpacking the bag. "I'm just wondering, Ash, where is everyone else?"

"Everyone else," I echoed.

"Mmhmm." She popped the lid off her iced coffee and wrapped both hands around the cup. "You have all these offices and desks. Even though it's ludicrous to think you're all by yourself here, it doesn't look like they belong to anyone." Her eyes locked on me, she lifted the cup and took a long sip. "So, where is everyone else?"

I started to speak but stopped myself to fuss with my coffee. Not that there was much to do to it but I made meaningful work of swirling the cup until the lingering wisps of milk assimilated into the blackness. Eventually, I said, "It's complicated."

"Oh, Ashville." Zelda gave me a great, overlarge frown, her plush lips popping into a moue that demanded my urgent attention. Leaning over the table, I took her chin in my hand and sealed my lips to hers. It was quick and a bit brutal, and my ass was back in the seat in time to catch her swiping a finger over her top lip and whispering, "Whoa."

"You knew I had a job opening. Or two," I added.

She blinked at me as if she was struggling to process my words. Then, "Tell the truth, Ash. Did you drive off a perfectly competent staff?"

I unfolded my breakfast sandwich from its wax paper wrapping. "Competence is a matter of opinion."

Zelda and the rest of the world might argue that point with me but the fact remained, if I had to spend more Copyright 2016 - 2024