Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,30

"Can't do much, can I?" Not waiting for Zelda's response, I continued, "Help me take this off and wash up."

Her lips parted as if she intended to reply but she stopped herself to stare at my busted shoulder. Maybe if she stared hard enough, she'd solve that problem the way she solved everything else.

"And—and by that," she stammered, "you mean what, Ashville?"

I shot an eyebrow up, silently challenging her to read between the lines. Which was all kinds of deranged since I'd drawn a line in the fucking sand and then spent the morning being a dickface jerk to her. That, and freaking the fuck out because she was still making noise about leaving to crash on some random couch.

Leaving. Fucking leaving. I could manage many things but the idea of her slipping out of my grasp wasn't one of them. Not without knowing exactly where she was going and seeing to the comfort and security of that couch myself.

But I couldn't do it and I'd tried. For thirteen and a half seconds this morning, I'd lied to myself about that being the best choice. When that was over, she'd taken it upon herself to chastise me so hard, I was already plotting ways to earn my next punishment. Already asking for it.

What the hell was it about this woman? She had some blue hair and a lot of earrings. Her work history was insane. She was going somewhere but she was also stopped, suddenly rooted in my world. None of it made sense. She didn't make sense and when I was close to her, neither did I.

I wanted an assistant. I wanted distance and proper boundaries. I wanted to scream at her about her ambling, directionless professional life.

And I wanted to feel her skin against mine so badly, it seemed like I was suffocating without it.

It didn't matter how many times I gathered these line items and attempted to make assets and liabilities of them, they wouldn't balance. I'd stood on the pedestal, glaring at her reflection in the mirror while the tailor stuck me with a thousand pins and mentally clicked through the if-then tree from hell.

If she left, then I'd lose my fucking mind because—because I would and there didn't need to be a reason.

If she left, then she might never come back and I'd never know why this woman mattered and that was unfuckingacceptable.

If she left, then I'd find her. Then I'd bring her back, which made fine sense to me even if it did sound like an abduction plan.

If I brought her back, then I'd never let her out of my sight again and that also made fine sense while sounding rather criminal.

If she stayed at my apartment, then I'd want to touch her because she was a living, breathing magnet.

If I wanted to touch her, then she'd let me because she needed it as much as I did.

If she let me touch her, then I couldn't have her work for me because there was a limit to the number of complications I could supervise at any time.

If she couldn't work for me, then I'd lose my fucking mind. And I still didn't need a damn reason.

That'd pissed me off to no end, right up to the point when she'd stood in my entryway, looking like she didn't know where she belonged.

Right here, I wanted to say. You belong right here.

Instead of saying that or anything close to it, I made a half-assed suggestion about taking a shower. Deranged. I was absolutely deranged. And the worst part? I'd dedicated ten solid minutes to this sideshow. I still didn't have a functional watch to confirm that but I knew. I knew what seventeen percent of a billable hour felt like.

"I can help you out of your sling." She reached for me with both hands but stopped herself before making contact. Stepped back. Folded her arms. "I can do that, if you want. If that's what you're asking."

"Come here." I beckoned her closer. She didn't move. "Zelda, please. I can't do it by myself."

A shaky breath burst from her lips. Then, "I bet you can. You're very capable, after all. You don't need anyone and you're the first to remind everyone of that fact."

"You should know by now I need you more than I care to admit." I scratched my jaw with the one useful hand I had left. "It's rather convenient for you. Is it possible you're the reason I was knocked on my ass in Copyright 2016 - 2024