Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,113

shoulder. "Yes, Ash. I understand."

Despite the teasing in her tone, her message to me was clear.

You can tell me what to do but I'm always in charge.

You have my body and more importantly, you have my trust.

You get to have me because I chose you.

It was exactly what I needed to hear.

"Good girl." I dragged my fingers down the line of her ass again, massaging her there because it turned her on like nothing else. Truly, her body could singe sheets when I played with her back channel the right way. If we played like this for a couple of minutes, she'd boil the bathwater too. "I didn't come prepared, my love." She rocked her hips against my hand, silently ordering a finger inside her. I complied. "If I leave you here a moment, can you promise you won't move?"

We'd had a brief conversation the other day on the matters of protection when Zelda mentioned needing to find a pharmacy to transfer her birth control prescription. We discussed an appropriate amount of health history to decide we could go forward without condoms when the time was right.

"I will not give you a second. Not even one," she replied as she worked herself over my finger. With this view, I wasn't certain I'd last more than two, three thrusts once I got inside her. As if that was anything new. "I want you right now and I don't want to wait."

My cock had a pulse and I could hear it pounding in my ears. I closed the last breath of distance between us as a growl climbed up from the bottom of my chest, low and primal like it was meant to warn my prey to take cover. However, my prey knew exactly what I was capable of and she loved it.

"You want me to fuck you without anything between," I said, tipping my head to the side to get a better view of the swollen lushness of her cunt. "That's how you want it?"

Instead of answering me, Zelda reached between her legs and took my shaft in hand, notching my crown inside her. Taking what I'd planned to give and turning up the pulse in my head until I could hear nothing, nothing but white noise fractured by throbbing bass and the echo of mine, mine, mine. Yet it had nothing to do with the absence of the condom. That was merely a fringe benefit.

"What did I say about putting your hands on the wall?" I asked, coiling her hair around my hand.

"You told me to put them there once," she replied, a moan peppered into her bratty words. "You said nothing about keeping them there."

The way I thrust into her was no less loving for its brutality but this kind of love—the strange, stitched-together one we'd found together—was brutal. Though there was no excuse for the way I teased her ass while my cock fucked the oxygen out of her lungs. That was plainly impolite and how she liked it best.

"I'll be more precise in my requests next time, Miss Besh."

I pulled out with the intention of making her gasp and beg but made the fatal error of glancing down at my shaft and staring as the bare skin glistened with her arousal and it stretched her open. As her body worked to take me inside, keep me inside.


If this was nothing more than a quick romp in the shower, I would've come right then. Blow it all and promise to make it good for her the next time. But this was Zelda and Zelda was everything.

"If you had any idea how you looked to me right now, you'd thank me for lasting this long," I said, my words twisting out in a snarl. "If you don't get there soon, you're going to miss out. You're going to wiggle this precious ass all through the ceremony. You'll be begging me to yank up your skirt and rub your clit before they cut the cake."

"So arrogant," she whispered.

"What was that?" I added another finger to her ass while the smooth suck of her flesh around my cock made my vision hazy. "You want me to make you wait for it?"

Zelda clenched her inner muscles around me and I was lost to every sight, sound, and thought beyond this woman.

"Don't you dare," she said.

I released her hair and closed my fingers around her wrist, bringing it between her legs. "Let's get you there." Our joined fingers parted her, settling on that Copyright 2016 - 2024