Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,100

this experiment? Are we talking one exceptional orgasm, the kind where you look at me all dazed and speechless after? Or as many as I can get out of you and looking all dazed and speechless?"

"Yes," I answered, arching into his touch.

He laughed and the crinkle of a condom wrapper sounded behind me. Once that matter was handled, Ash banded his arm around my waist while his other hand secured my bent leg over his which was exactly as Twister-inspired as it sounded.

If I thought about this position for more than a second, I'd realized I looked like a tin of sardines with the lid peeled half open. This wasn't the kind of sex I'd wanted photographed for the memories. I didn't really want any sex photographed but especially this, where my leg was up and my sardines were out and my body was as plump as Thanksgiving dinner.

But goddamn it felt good.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes though please don't reinjure that shoulder. We don't need both of us wrecked."

He kissed the space where my neck met my shoulder. "Won't allow that."

Then he pushed inside me, his shaft heavy and demanding. I cried out, something between a sob and a plea for more, and I surrendered to the fullness of this position. I was pinned down and stretched wide and there was nothing else I could do but take it.

When he stilled, I reached back, squeezed his granite-carved ass cheek. "Don't stop."

Ash settled his hand low on my belly, his fingers spanning the distance between my navel and my clit though he didn't tease. He held me steady as he moved in me, his gaze fixed on the place where we were joined. Mumbled curses and broken growls fell from his lips as he pulled out. I felt his thick crown hot and pulsing on my folds and I ached at the absence.

"Don't stop," I repeated. I dug my nails into his backside, his thighs. Tiny bites of pain as my core clamped painfully around nothing. "I need you."

"For experimental purposes? That's why you need me?"

"For all the purposes," I sobbed.

Ash lifted two fingers to my lips, saying, "Be a good girl and suck."

His fingers tasted like my arousal—and also pizza. If it was possible, he swelled and lengthened as I sucked him, every hard inch of him filling me in a way that was incredible now and would twinge tomorrow.

"That's right," he drawled, shifting those fingers between my legs. "Let's get you what you need."

I was certain about it now. This was love. It wasn't bouquets of roses or cute social media posts or sparkly things. No, love didn't sparkle at all. It didn't shine and it didn't traffic in flowers or candlelight. Love was beers in the bathtub. It was helping to fold laundry and insisting it go into the closet, not back in the suitcase. It was prying your person out of a dryer and requiring her to scope out a menu to make sure there was something she liked before going into the restaurant.

Love wasn't any of the glossy, glorious things I'd imagined it to be. It wasn't even sex—not really, not when it came down to it. Love was a sturdy old workhorse that showed up every day and did whatever was necessary to keep the wheels turning.

As tears filled my eyes—hormonal tears because they couldn't be falling in love tears, dammit—I said, "Talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking. Don't go quiet on me now."

He kissed along my shoulder as he found an sedate yet intense rhythm. I was going to feel this all day tomorrow. Every time I sat down.

"What am I thinking?" he rumbled. "I'm thinking about pinching your clit right now but I'm not sure you want—"

"Ohmygodplease," I panted.

A laugh shook his chest as he said, "Remember you begged for it, love. Remember that."

As promised, he pinched my clit between the pads of his fingers like he was searching for the root of all orgasms. I screamed, not for the pleasure but the pressure. It was a sudden, brilliant burst of pressure from somewhere behind my belly button and I would've hated it if he hadn't been lighting me up with deep, potent strokes at the same time.

"I'm thinking I'm going to work your pussy until you can't take it anymore and then I'm going to camp out between your legs and devour you until you fall asleep." He released my clit to draw lazy circles around it which was Copyright 2016 - 2024