Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,97

didn’t come easy, Talyn nodded. “I’m glad to know you’re not a rat bastard, after all.”

“Contrary to popular belief, and what my younger sister would normally say, I really try not to be.” His gaze haunted, Lorens swallowed hard. “You should also know that I’m here on behalf of another organization,” he whispered in a tone so low, Talyn had to strain to hear him. “Ever heard of WAR?”

“Yeah, it’s my stock and trade.”

Lorens gave him a droll stare. “Warriors Against Royalty.”

His blood ran cold as he thought back to Rhys, who’d been killed when their colony was overrun by the last group of scavengers – the old male had died protecting Terisa while Talyn had protected Berra. “I know of them.”

Lorens dropped his tone even more. “They’re not the traitors in this regime. They’re patriots who are sick of what’s being done to innocent Andarions on the whims of the royals. Andarions like you, who are minding their own business and are ripped from their homes and tortured for no reason whatsoever.”

Talyn shook his head. “We shouldn’t —”

“Listen to me, Talyn. My youngest brother was assassinated before his wife and children so that Merrell Anatole could marry into the lineage of his widow. My sister was taken and raped by Nyran Anatole. Like you, she was forced to sign a nondisclosure saying that if she ever mentioned it to a living soul, she’d be executed. Every day, Andarions are killed, brutalized, threatened, and taken for no reason whatsoever. The royal family is out of control and has never been smaller than it is, right now. They’ve virtually murdered each other into extinction, and now is the time to finally stop their bloodthirsty reign. The entire history of the Anatole lineage is written in the bloody feuds of their children. As soldiers, we are the ones who have sworn to protect our fellow Andarions from all enemies. Enemies that include a royal family drunk on its own power. Imagine an Andaria where males and females, like you, can live their lives without fear.”

Yeah, right.

He’d still be bastard-born and hated by all. Even if they brought down the entire royal family, nothing in this empire would change for him.

“It’s treason,” Talyn repeated in a whisper, even though he agreed that changes should be made. He still wasn’t sure this wasn’t some kind of setup.

While he fully intended to personally slaughter Eriadne and Chrisen, he wasn’t stupid enough to let anyone know his plans.

“Did you know the tadara had her own grandson killed… Why? Because he looked human. Tahrs Nykyrian was slaughtered in cold blood. He was just a child when he was ripped from his mother’s arms, and sent to his grave. You’ve seen the tizirah. You know she’s not right in the head, because she knows her own mother killed her son and can’t handle the truth of it. I have it on tape where Tahrs Jullien himself brags about it, and the fact that his grandmother intentionally keeps his mother, her own daughter, in a drugged stupor so that she won’t have to answer for her actions.”

Talyn hesitated. If this was a setup, Lorens would be in even more trouble than Talyn for speaking those kinds of accusations. “Then why haven’t you taken it to the media?”

“Because the station we gave a copy to was bombed before they could air it. Everyone in the building was killed instantly, and the Phrixians were blamed for the attack. Just like what happened with you. Before I could make the report against an Anatole, it and you were erased. The royal house has spies everywhere.”

“Yes, they do. And if they find out about —”

“They won’t. We are very careful who we recruit.”

Sure they were. “Then why are you recruiting me?”

“Because of your record and history with them. And what they did to you. You had no reason to stand up for the females in your squad who had never stood up for you, and yet you did the right thing, knowing it could cost you your career.” His eyes burned into him. “I know the truth of your character, Talyn. But have you seen your military file lately?”

Talyn shook his head. “It’s above my clearance level.”

“Yeah, well… here.” Lorens handed him a thick folder. “I’ve made a copy for you. And by the way, you’re not a captain as you were told. After your interview with the tadara… more disciplinary action was added to your history. You’ve been demoted back to a Copyright 2016 - 2024