Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,92

treat him. Now! And you will save him, or I will paint the walls with your brain matter, so help me, gods.”

One of the security guards ran at her.

She shot him without flinching, then returned her sights to the doctor’s head. “That is the only warning I’m giving.” With her thumb, she switched the blaster setting from stun to kill. “Tend him or you’ll be the one needing a doctor and a mortician.”


She glanced sideways to see Galene coming through the doors. “They won’t tend him, Commander. They’re trying to throw him out of here and have him arrested. I will burn this place to the ground before I let that happen!”

Galene’s face went white before her own anger ignited. “What?”

“I can’t legally tend an Outcast!”

Galene growled at the doctor. “He’s not an Outcast! I didn’t do that to him.”

“He’s marked as one, and as a convicted traitor!”

“And he’s an Andarion hero.” A tense ripple went through the room at the sound of Tylie’s regal voice. Everyone except Felicia, the doctor she held at blaster point, and the humans bowed to the tizirah.

Tylie came forward to stand by Felicia’s side. “Put the blaster down, child. I promise you, no one’s going to turn your Talyn out.”

Only then did Felicia hand the weapon back to the human she’d taken it from. “Sorry.”

Laughing, he holstered it. “I get it. My wife would do the same… only I doubt she’d warn them before shooting. I’m Hadrian, by the way.” He jerked his chin at the shorter male. “He’s Nero.”

Tylie glared at the doctor. “What are you waiting for? A grave injustice has been done to one of our soldiers. A hero. Snap to, or you’ll face a far worse sentence than what was unjustly given to the major.”

Finally, the doctor and staff began treating Talyn.

Still shaken and horrified, Felicia went to Galene. “How could they do that to him?”

Tears glistened in her eyes as she choked on her sobs. “He was supposed to be safe at the palace. I was right there when they dragged him out under my nose. How could I let this happen to my baby?”

Felicia pulled Galene into her arms. “I’m the one who got the orders to put him there. I’m so sorry, Commander. I just wanted to protect him. I never meant for him to be hurt like this.” Guilt and remorse shredded her. If Talyn ever learned the truth, he’d hate her for the part she’d play in his arrest. And she couldn’t blame him for it.

She hated herself.

There was no such thing as safety in their world, and honestly, Felicia was sick of it. Somehow, she was going to get back at the prince. Even if it meant her life…

No one would do this to Talyn and get away with it. No one!

Talyn came awake with a start. For a full minute, he was still in the pit, mired in entrails and blood. Only this smelled very different.

It smelled clean.

Best of all, it smelled like a delicate female whose face had haunted him, night and day.

Blinking in disbelief, he focused his gaze on the most beautiful thing imaginable. A curly head of hair that was only a few inches from his face. Unable to believe it was real, he reached to bury his hand in the silken strands.

The moment he touched them, Felicia looked up with a gasp. “Talyn?”

Still, he couldn’t speak. All he could do was marvel at the sensation of something that didn’t hurt him. In all the time he’d been gone, this was what had seen him through. The hope that he’d be back here.

With her.

His hand shaking, he lifted her hair so that he could brush a lock of it against his lips and inhale her precious scent.

Felicia couldn’t breathe as she saw the agony in Talyn’s eyes while he savored her hair as if it were the most sacred relic in existence. Tears choked her as she took his chapped and calloused hand into hers and held it tight.

He pulled her against him and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

An instant later, she felt his silent tears on her skin. Tightening her grip, she held him against her. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

But in truth, he had her captured in an iron grip that was absolutely terrifying in its strength. His breathing ragged, he locked both arms around her as if she was his lifeline, and without her, he’d drown.


Instead of pulling away at his mother’s voice, Copyright 2016 - 2024