Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,82

they take, but they never last long.”

Talyn winced at what that meant. And all it did was fire his determination. “There has to be a way to get out of here.”

The oldest of the males laughed. “We were all like you once, boy. Full of piss and vinegar. But in time, you’ll adjust and accept it. Just like we all have.”

Nightdice sighed. “He’s right. It’s easier to just roll with it and know that this is our lot.” That attitude was what had led to her call sign. She rolled with everything, especially invitations to sleep with Vested males. “We’ll never see home again.”

Talyn refused to blithely accept that. “Bullshit. We’ve got to get home and let the others know what the Anatoles are doing. We owe it to our race to stop this.”

She jerked her chin toward the older male. “Do you know who Rhys is?”


“I’m the founder of WAR,” he growled out. “And you see what telling others about royal corruption got me. They slaughtered my son in front of my eyes. All I wanted was to make Andaria better for him and his children. Instead, my grandsons were taken by gangs the first week we were here and killed in the pit. My granddaughter…” He broke off into tears. “I’m sorry I ever started this shit. It’s not worth it. No one wants to listen or care. So long as their status quo is maintained, they don’t give a shite about anyone else. And nothing has changed. It never does.”

Talyn refused to believe that. “Thirteen War Hauks drove back an entire invading army.”

“And were slaughtered in the process,” Rhys snarled. “Only one of them survived that battle and what did it get them? Nothing. Not a damn thing. There’s not even a single young War Hauk left on Andaria today. And there’s definitely not one here, with us. No offense, but I’ve buried enough. I just want to live out whatever amount of time I have left, in peace. I’m through fighting for a race that doesn’t care about me.”

Talyn scoffed. “I’d rather be a memory than a coward.”

Rhys rose up to stare down at Talyn. “This isn’t the Ring, Iron Hammer. There are no rules here. No refs to call your enemies off when you go down.”

And that right there told him what a Vested piece of shit Rhys was. He’d started a rebellion, but didn’t have the temerity to see it through.

In spite of the pain and the broken bones, Talyn rose to stand in front of him. He glared at him with every bit of defiant fury he possessed. “And I didn’t earn my name in the Vested Ring, old man.” He used the worst insult he could for an Andarion. It equated them to the weaker human race. “I earned it in the Open league. Fighting with everything I had… I didn’t start this minsid fight. But by every god of Andaria, I am going to finish it.”

Chapter 14

Limping and in pain, Talyn threw the vorna carcass down for Nightdice and Terisa to clean and cook. After his last attempt at preparing a meal, he’d been banned for everyone’s safety. His job was to make the kill. The others cooked it.

While they started prepping, he moved to check his legs. The pain was still excruciating, but it was slowly getting better. Between homemade braces and the handful of illegal drugs Nightdice had given him that could speed-heal his injuries, he was making good progress.

Satisfied, he headed outside the cave to where an old fighter had crashed years ago. For the last three weeks, he’d been working on the engines, trying to repair them. Rhys thought it was a complete waste of time, but Talyn was determined to prove him wrong.

In all things. Besides, it wasn’t like he had anything better to do. And it just wasn’t in him to give up.

As Talyn scraped at the rust and oiled the pieces as best he could, his thoughts turned to Felicia. She was what he fought for most. All that saw him through these shitty days of hell.

Right now, she was alone. With no one to protect her. No matter what, he had to get home and make sure nothing happened to her. Especially not because of him.

Closing his eyes, he summoned an image of her bright, sweet smile. For the merest moment, he was warm.

Until fear drove the peace away and left him terrified for what Anatole and the others might be doing to Copyright 2016 - 2024