Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,71

hugged her. It was the first time in her life he’d ever done that.

“Thank you, Felicia.”

“Don’t thank me. He obviously likes you and the kids or he wouldn’t have offered. Trust me. He’s not social or insincere. And he doesn’t expect anything in return.”

He tightened his arms around her. “I know I’ve been a giant asshole to you all your life. I’m really sorry about that. I should have had dinner with you a long time ago. For no reason.”

She patted his back. “It’s okay. I’m the bastard child who wasn’t supposed to be born. You and your family aren’t the only ones who get pissed off about it.”

He scowled at that. “What do you mean?”

“My mother wasn’t and isn’t exactly thrilled by the complication of having me as a bonus from your father.” But unlike Talyn, her father wasn’t a bastard himself, so he’d been immune from prosecution. Felicia was merely an inconvenience for him. Not jail time.

“Well, I am glad that I finally got a chance to know you tonight. I hope we can have more talks and meals, and not always with Talyn in tow.”

His words warmed her. Did he mean them? She wasn’t sure, but it was a nice gesture for him to make. “Really?”

He winked playfully. “Don’t get me wrong. The boyfriend is a sweet bonus, but I’m not doing this to have access to him. I meant what I said. I’ve been doing some soul searching lately, and have learned a valuable lesson here tonight about judging people, and assigning them categories based on their births and parents.” He kissed her head. “I have spent many, many nights at dinners with the ranked and privileged, and never have I had more fun or seen my kids laugh more than we’ve done tonight.” His eyes glowed as he watched his sons sparring with Talyn, who had all the patience in the universe with them. “He’s really good with kids, isn’t he?”

“It’s actually the first time I’ve seen him with them. But yes, he is.” Her eyes widened as Gavarian hit the bag and finally lifted it.

“Ha!” he shouted in triumph. “I did it! Take that, bag!”

Talyn tapped gloves with him. “Impressive hit. You’re a quick learner. Good job!”

Felicia laughed as her nephew did a goofy walk of pride.

“Nah, nah,” Talyn teased. “You do this.”

She laughed even harder at his ridiculous strut that reminded her of a wounded chicken. “Please don’t teach him that! I’m sure his parents want grandkids one day, and no female will ever find that attractive.”

Talyn pouted. “Not even when I do it? C’mon, Licia, you know I make this look sexy.”

“Um… no. You don’t.” She gestured toward the dining room. “But will you do that in front of the server? I’ll never have to worry about her looking at you again.”

Laughing, Talyn grinned. “If it’ll make you happy, be glad to embarrass myself publicly. The gods know that I’ve done it for a lot less than your gorgeous smile.” He returned to coaching the kids.

Lorens shook his head. “You two have a lot of chemistry together. How long have you been with him?”

“Not very, actually.”

“Yet you love him.”

She froze at something she thought she’d been hiding pretty well. “How do you know?”

“The same way I know he loves you. It oozes from both of you whenever you look at each other. I’ve never seen a couple hold more regard for one another. It’s really very sweet. I hope the two of you have a long life together.”

Her heart broke at those words. “Talyn can never legally marry.”

Lorens turned his back so that he could whisper to her and his sons wouldn’t overhear him. “Marriage isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be, Felicia. Just look at my parents.”

And by his tone, they weren’t the only ones who were unhappy in their union.

“Yes, but I’d like to have children one day.”

Lorens nodded sadly. “That, I’ll give you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for those boys or my daughters. And there’s nothing like holding your baby in your arms and watching them grow and learn.”

She could imagine. But she wasn’t selfish enough to bring a child into their world when Talyn had no paternal lineage to offer it. That would be beyond cruel. Their child would grow up with the same limitations and stigma that Talyn had known the whole of his life. Not to mention, Talyn would be instantly arrested for impregnating her and damaging her lineage.

Lorens sighed. “You know that’s Copyright 2016 - 2024