Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,65

or mean thing to her, he would toss him out on his ass faster than the male could blink.

Taking a deep breath for courage, he pulled his jacket on and went to join them.

Her brother and his two teenage sons were stepping out of the lift.

Felicia gasped at the sight of the kids. One was average Andarion height… which reached Talyn’s shoulder. His younger brother was an inch or two shorter. Handsome and lean, both had black braided hair that told Talyn the teens were considered adults in their world, and eligible for marriage.

The fact that Felicia didn’t hug or touch them was a big clue as to how they normally treated her – like she wasn’t family or friend. And that seriously pissed him off. How dare they disregard her so. She was worth more than the rest of the Andarion race combined.

With an apprehension that didn’t help his mood, she stopped in front of them with her hands primly folded in front of her. “Wow! You two have really grown. Look at you, Brach. I think you’ve grown a foot since I last saw you. And you, Gavarian. You look like you’re about ready to join the armada with your paka.”

His hands folded behind his back, Gavarian blushed. “I start my service next fall.”

Talyn froze as he realized why her brother was so familiar to him. And why he had the bearing of a staunch military official.

Minsid hell…

Yes, his usual bad luck was holding fast. No wonder Felicia hadn’t bothered telling him her brother’s full name. Talyn would have balked over this disaster.

“Commander ezul Terronova.” Talyn gave her brother a sharp salute. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Welcome to my home.”

With a bright smile, he waved Talyn’s salute off. “None of that. We’re not in uniform here, Major. Just having a nice dinner with family.” He held his hand out to him. “Call me Lorens.”

Talyn hesitated before he reached out and shook it. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

Laughing as he stepped back, Lorens passed an amused look to Felicia. “He can’t help it, can he?”

Her face lighting into a beautiful smile, she shook her head. “He’s always very proper.”

Talyn fell into a relaxed military pose similar to Gavarian’s. “Sorry. My mother beat me down when I was young over my manners.” He turned toward her nephews, who were eyeing him with a mixture of fear and awe. “Which of you is the birthday boy?”

The older one, Gavarian, stepped forward. “That would be me. I’m turning eighteen.”

“Happy birthday.”


Brach smiled so wide, he exposed his fangs. “Mine was last month. My paka took me on my Endurance. Did your paka take you for yours?”

Talyn cringed at the most natural assumption. “I went with my matarra.”

Brach made a face at the mere thought. “For real? What did you do with your mom?”

“Got grounded for a year over my actions during the climb, ate more vegetables than the gods ever intended Andarions to eat, and had to do all the dishes. Definitely a lesson in Endurance… in more ways than one.”

They all laughed.

Felicia gestured toward the dining room. “And speaking of vegetables, everything is ready. I’m sure you boys are hungry.”

“We’re always hungry, Felicia,” Brach said as he skipped toward the table.

Lorens snorted. “We’re going broke on the food bill. Either of you know someone willing to pay a fair price for a healthy Andarion teen?”

Laughing, Felicia led them into the formal dining room that overlooked the city, where the catering company had already set everything up.

Talyn was grateful that she put her brother at the opposite end of the table and took a seat to his right. Times like this, he was acutely aware of just how socially awkward and reclusive he was. He seriously hated interacting with others.

The only thing that made this bearable was the sexy red dress Felicia wore. One that made him curse their company and wish for five minutes alone to take care of the heavy need in his groin.

“I still can’t believe that I’m actually sitting here with the Iron Hammer. This is just…” Lorens swept his gaze over his sons before he chose what must be a more appropriate word. “Incredible. So Hammer, how’s it looking for your next match? I was reading that it’s with Death Warrant?”

A caterer brought out the first course. Talyn thanked the female server before he answered. “It is. While I respect Dalun’s abilities, and in particular his right hook, I expect to mop the floor with Copyright 2016 - 2024