Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,60

some reason, the first onset of the condition always appeared during, or within an hour after sex. Usually, it receded within a few hours after climax, once oxytocin and vasopressin levels returned to a certain level. In even more rare and extreme cases, it was permanent and caused the eyes to remain red forever. Lucky him – that, too, ran in his father’s family.

Either way, he was screwed. In a married male, stralen was the most desired trait in their culture.

For an unmarried male…

Ridicule. Humiliation. It would make all his previous abuse seem mild. And he didn’t know Felicia well enough to even begin to guess how she’d react to it. She might welcome it, fear it, or use it against him.

The first was the best-case scenario. The other two were horrifying to contemplate. If it scared her, she’d leave, and he’d be royally screwed since she was the one he needed in his life. Worst case, she’d manipulate him with it, knowing he would do anything for her.

Even die.

Why, gods?

His life sucked enough. He really didn’t need anything else added to the misery. Especially stralen.

You can fix this.

With luck, it’d recede by morning and he could buy colored contacts to cover it. No one would ever know.

He hoped.

Please be normal by morning. Surely the gods would grant him that one small mercy.

Yeah, right…

Talyn got up slowly. He slit open his eyes to make sure he was alone in the room.

Thankfully, he was. Breathing a deep sigh in relief, he rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to check his eyes.

They were white again.

Thank you, gods! Grateful beyond measure, he quickly bathed and dressed. He wouldn’t dare touch Felicia again until he had a way of concealing it. At this point, even a small kiss could bring the stralen right back.

Now he just needed to get to an optometrist without his mother or Felicia grilling him. C’mon. You can do this. Biting his lip, he left the bedroom to find his mother in the kitchen.


“Where’s Felicia?” he asked.

“She went to take her test.”

“Ah, okay.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Sure.” He sat down on the barstool while his mother made him a bowl of hot cereal.

“Why don’t you go back to bed? I’ll bring it to you.”

If only he could. “I really need to run an errand before Felicia gets back.”

“Honey —”

“I’m…” He tried to search for some reasonable lie. But the truth came out before he could stop it. “I’m stralen.”

She dropped the bowl in her hand. It went straight to the floor and shattered, sending cereal and porcelain in every direction.

Cursing, she quickly picked up the pieces. “What?”

Talyn nodded. “Felicia doesn’t know. And I’ve got to keep it covered. From everyone.”

Eyes wide, she cleaned up the mess and fixed him more cereal. “Are you thinking contacts?”

“Yeah. Will it work?”

“I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot. I’ll get you a set immediately.”

“Thank you.”

She set the bowl on the counter, then cupped his cheek in her hand. “My poor baby.” Wincing, she buried her hand in his hair. “I just wish you were married.”

“Me, too. It would make things much easier.”

His mother nodded. “How did you conceal it from her?”

“I lied to her last night, and I feel like crap. I hate to do that.”

“You had no choice.”

“It doesn’t make it any easier.”

She patted his shoulder. “And that’s what makes you a good male. What makes me proud to be your mother.” She kissed his cheek. “Now eat your cereal and go back to bed. I’ll get the contacts and return as soon as I can.”

“Thank you.”

She pressed her cheek to his. “Stay away from Felicia until I get back.”

“Don’t worry. I’m way ahead of you on that.”

His mom grabbed her purse and left him.

Talyn finished eating. He rinsed out the bowl and headed toward the bedroom to review his new orders.

He’d just finished reading through the whole packet when his mother entered the room.

She handed him a small bag. “I bought two pair for you to try. If they work, we can easily get more.”

“Thank you.” Getting up, he went to try them on.

His mom followed him into the bathroom to talk while he tried to figure out how to insert the contacts. “What do you think about your new orders and post?”

“It looks pretty sweet. Extremely cushy. I might get fat and lazy from it.”

She laughed. “You could use some weight.”

He carefully washed off the contact and gently placed it over his eye. “Yeah, right. I weigh as much Copyright 2016 - 2024