Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,53

in my spine and heart.”

Galene nodded in sympathy. “I’m sorry. I’ve had more than my share of them, too.”

Felicia gave her a grim, determined smile. “Here’s to better days for all of us.”

“Here, here.”

As she finished chopping the onion, Talyn’s link buzzed. Felicia picked it up from the counter to check the ID. “It’s his base. Should I take it to him?”

“Answer it. It should be nothing.”

Switching on the speaker, she did. “Major Batur.”

“Funny, you don’t sound like the major. Did they cut off your dick while you were in the hospital?”

Felicia screwed her face up at the male’s condescending tone. “Major Batur is resting. Can I take a message?”

“Yes. This is his CO, Colonel Anatole. You can tell that mongrel bastard that he failed to check in on his release, and I shall be reporting him for this. That is, unless you wish to discuss the matter with me? You and I might be able to come to an arrangement on his behalf.”

Her eyes snapping fire, Galene snatched the link up. “Colonel, this is Deputy Commander Batur. And I will be expecting you to forward to me the company manual that dictates your policy, as it is one I’m unfamiliar with. Especially the one that allows a civ to discuss military procedure and discipline with a senior officer.”

He sputtered in response.

“Have you something you wish to say to me, Chrisen?”

“Major Batur is well aware that, given his record, he is to report his location in, any time he’s away from base or post.”

“I do believe that that is the primary function of his locator bracelet and tracking device that’s embedded in his body. Or do you wish to go on record by claiming both are malfunctioning, simultaneously?”

“With all due respect, Commander, you’re not the one he reports to. Nor do you work in this division. Fighter pilots have their own procedures. Protocols the major is more than familiar with and has chosen to blatantly disregard. Again. I have no choice but to write him up for it.” And with that, he hung up.

Galene slammed the link down as frustrated tears gathered in her eyes. “It’s not fair that I protect the tizirahie and heir, while no one protects my son.”

“This stops!” Felicia pulled her link out and dialed for her brother before she could rethink it.

Or chicken out again.

“Lieutenant Commander ezul Terronova.”

Galene gasped at the name.

Felicia cringed over the fact that she’d forgotten the speaker was on. Switching to video, she waited for him to accept. “Lorens? It’s Felicia.”

His handsome face appeared instantly. He was the spitting image of their father, except for his hair. While their father wore the short style of his political station, Lorens, like Talyn, had warrior braids that he pulled back from his face with a red band. “Felicia? Really? Who died?”

Rolling her eyes at his droll tone, she blinked away her tears. “Are you still a giant Ring fan?”

“Always. Why?”

“Do you know who the Iron Hammer is?”

“Oh hell, yeah. Of course.” Now he sounded a little more normal and not the snot he was around her. “Am I breathing? Everyone knows who he is. The fact you know his name says it all. Why do you ask?”

“How would you like to have dinner with him?”

Her brother gaped. Then he turned deadly serious. “Who do you want me to kill?”

She laughed, even though she actually considered it. “Colonel Chrisen Anatole.”

“Done. Spill-kill. Quick-kill. What are we talking? You want his head as a trophy? Penis? Just tell me what body part you want delivered, how many pieces to cut him into, and it’s done.”

Snorting, she wiped at her eyes. “Talyn is a fighter pilot stationed at Anatole Base with a major’s rank and Anatole is his CO. Can you get Talyn transferred to another post, out from under the beast?”

Lorens arched a brow. “I don’t have to really kill Anatole?”

“Not unless you can’t get Talyn transferred. Then I want his head on a platter or pike… I’m not that picky.”

Lorens nodded thoughtfully. “Transfer’s easy. I don’t have to risk jail time or court-martial for that. Where do you want me to assign Batur?”

Felicia hesitated. This was entirely too easy and way out of character for her eldest half brother. “Why are you being so cooperative? You’re scaring me.”

“You’re offering me dinner with the Hammer, Felicia. There’s really nothing I wouldn’t do for that. Are you kidding? That male is my one true hero. I’d sacrifice my young to meet him. Even a testicle. Maybe both.”

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