Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,3

being treated like one.

Chapter 1

Felicia Orfanos hesitated as she caught sight of the massive male who waited for her in the small, dimly lit room. A full seven feet in height, he was ripped like a bodybuilder – with a massive, muscled build. She’d never been this close to anyone with a physique like his.

Holy gods…

Strange, he’d seemed chunky in the photo he’d submitted with his application. But there was nothing overweight about him.

Nor did he appear shy or bashful. Never mind socially awkward. Things he’d been dubbed by the answers he’d provided on their required questionnaire.

“Fierce” and “terrifying” were the only two adjectives that came to her mind as she swept her gaze over his confident male stance. He had all his weight on his left leg, and his muscled arms crossed over his chest as he stared at the wall with a stern expression that was absolutely chilling.


Even though he was dressed in black street clothes, it was a warrior’s pose. His black hair was a mass of tiny braids he wore back from his face, letting her know that at his age, with that hairstyle, he was still in the military. Another thing that hadn’t been disclosed in the file her agency had given her.

Not that it really mattered. Obligatory military service was required of all fully Vested Andarion males and females upon graduation from primary school or university. Given that he was here to buy her services at his age, he must come from some seriously high-caste parents. And he must have gone straight into the military instead of university upon his graduation.

He turned slightly as if sensing her presence. The moment his white eyes focused on her hooded form, she felt a small electrical charge rush over her.

Gracious. He was gorgeous! Granted, all Andarions were, but he was exceptionally handsome and well built. Every inch of that light caramel skin begged for a bite.

And his entire demeanor changed instantly as he realized she was the one he’d come to meet. Now, he looked like the bashful, unsure male their personality evaluation had proclaimed him.

Something that made her smile. How could he be made nervous by her when he was the only thing threatening in this room? He even dwarfed the security guard, who eyed him with obvious fear and respect for his gargantuan size. Yet this male reminded her of a skittish schoolboy at his first boy-girl dance.

“Felicia,” the broker said as he stepped forward to greet her. “Meet your prospective patron.”

With a deep breath for courage, she lowered her hood and smiled at him.

Talyn felt his throat go dry instantly as her wealth of dark brown curls sprang out from the cloth to frame an adorable oval face. She was even more beautiful than she’d been in the pictures he’d seen. And a lot more petite than he’d expected. She barely reached the middle of his chest. While she was athletic in build, her limbs were so thin compared to his, they appeared frail. So much so, he was afraid to touch her lest he accidentally break something. And just like in her photos, her silvery-white eyes gleamed with kindness and warmth.

Biting his lip, he glanced to the guard and broker, wishing they’d leave them alone. But because she was an unwed virgin, there was no chance of that.

“Would you care to sit?” Talyn asked her respectfully.

“Sure. Thank you.”

He pulled a chair out for her. She moved with the fluid grace of a dancer. Her every gesture was a thing of absolute beauty. Sitting across from her, he tried to think of something witty to say.

Nothing came to mind.

Just don’t drool on yourself. That was all he’d need to make her run screaming for the door.

She glanced about nervously before she spoke. “So what exactly are your terms? I know you wrote that my duties would be light, but can you elaborate?”

He felt heat creep over his face as she got right down to business and he cringed at having to explain it in front of witnesses who already knew he was desperate. Otherwise, no male his age would be here, dealing with them. Or be willing to pay the exorbitant fees they demanded.

Because of his lack-Vest, bastard status, they were gouging the shit out of him, and he had no choice except to take it in whatever orifice they dictated. But there was nothing he could do.

Not if he wanted Felicia.

And that he definitely did. She was so much more than he’d ever Copyright 2016 - 2024