Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,28


She typed back to him. Studying.

Are you at the condo?

Wow. This was the longest conversation they’d had since their failed attempt at sexting. I am. Where are you?

The elevator binged behind her. Turning on the couch, she was just about to call security when Talyn stepped out. Joy erupted through her as she let out a happy cry and shot off the couch toward the foyer.

“Talyn!” She launched herself into his arms.

Laughing, he held her against him. He buried his hand in her hair and pressed his cheek to hers. “Hi.”

“I can’t believe you’re finally here! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“I wasn’t sure I’d be able to until an hour ago. Even then, I kept waiting for my TL to be canceled.”

She squeezed him even tighter. “I almost went out tonight. I’m so glad I didn’t.”

Talyn savored those words and the sensation of her body wrapped around his. He’d been dreaming of this every single night since he first saw her photo. “How have you been?”

“Fine. Everyone here’s really nice. But I’ve missed you like crazy!” To his disappointment, she slid her legs down from around his waist to stand in front of him. Taking his hand, she led him into the condo. “Are you hungry?”

Yes, but not for food. “I ate earlier.”

She narrowed her gaze on him. “How much earlier?”


Rolling her eyes, she took him toward the kitchen. “This isn’t how I wanted to greet you on our first night together.”

“It works for me. I can’t imagine any better reception.” Except maybe her being naked when he came in.

Yeah, that would have been the only improvement.

As if she heard that thought, she glanced at him over her shoulder. “I was going to be in the red negligee I sent you a picture of.”

“Yeah, okay, that might have been better. But the shorts and tee are nice, too. Much better in reality than what I had imagined when last we spoke.”

Biting her lip, she shook her head at him. “I don’t even have makeup on.”

“You’re still the most beautiful female I’ve ever seen.”

She stepped toward him to kiss his lips. “You keep sweet-talking me like that and you’re bound to get lucky tonight.”

Talyn smiled bashfully at her teasing. “It’s so good to see you, Felicia.” Even better was being around someone who actually talked to him like a sentient being and didn’t order him about like a dog.

She kissed him again. “Why don’t you take a minute to get comfy and I’ll heat you up something real fast? I bought some street clothes for you and put them in the closet and dresser. There’s even sweatpants for you.”


“You’re welcome.”

He stole one more kiss before he went to change.

Felicia smiled at his hot, seductive lope. She couldn’t wait to take a bite of that lush, ripped body. And tonight was finally the night. Her hands shook with anticipation.

Honestly, she wished she’d had a little warning. This wasn’t how she wanted to seduce him the first time. But at least she wouldn’t have to wait any longer.

As soon as she had a plate warmed, she went to find him. She had no idea why he hadn’t returned.

Until she entered the bedroom.

Wearing only the pants to his uniform, he was sound asleep on the bed. She was slightly offended until she got close enough to see the deep welts and bruises on his arms and back. The marks on his chest. Tears blinded her as she realized just how badly he’d been mistreated.

She set the plate on the nightstand before she reached to cup his cheek. “Talyn?”

He sighed in his sleep, but didn’t stir. If anything, he seemed to go deeper into his dreams.

The poor thing was exhausted. Wishing she could make it better, she pulled out another blanket and used it to cover his body.

Feeling for him, she curled up at his back and held him close while he slept. How unfair that he was spending all this money for her and had yet to get the very thing he’d paid for. No wonder he told everyone she was his girlfriend. That was much more true of their relationship than companion and patron.

Brushing her hand through his braids, she wished she could give him the life he deserved.

Yet he never complained about anything.

Not once had he even hinted about how badly they treated him at work. Rather, he’d sent her little notes asking how she was doing. If she needed anything. Telling her that he was thinking of her. Copyright 2016 - 2024