Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,155

that everyone can see you take your rightful places in our world.”

Felicia jumped as someone touched her bound hands. It took her a second to realize they were signing to her in her palm.

You’re safe. Talyn is with me. We’re cloaked.

Tears stung her eyes as Talyn brushed a tender caress against her cheek to let her know he was with her. She felt the air stirring as he moved to stand between her and the Anatoles.

Morra loosened Felicia’s hands so that she could free herself. She patted her arm encouragingly.

Felicia still couldn’t see them, but just knowing they were here…

Never had she loved Talyn more.

“How did you get free?” Merrell asked his mother.

“Batur arranged it. Tell me where you are and I’ll send an entourage to escort you both to the palace.”

“We’ll come on our own. See you shortly.” Merrell hung up.

Chrisen gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Something about this doesn’t feel right. I don’t trust that bastard lack-Vest. Do you?”

Chrisen glanced back toward Felicia. “No, but he loves his female. For her safety, I think he’d obey us.”

“Then she’s coming with us.” Merrell moved to take her and collided hard with Talyn.

Talyn immediately decloaked. In full battlegear, he reached for Merrell. “You should have just gone on.” He slung him against the wall, then pulled his blaster out and angled it for Chrisen. “One excuse to pull the trigger. Please!”

Chrisen held his hands up.

The expression on Merrell’s face said that he wanted to be stupid. Until he realized Talyn wasn’t alone. One by one, six more Andarion soldiers decloaked.

Both Merrell and Chrisen went down on their knees and surrendered.

Talyn clicked his blaster from kill to stun before he shot each of them.


Morra arched an inquisitive black brow at him.

He pulled his helmet off and handed it to the soldier on his left. “I want them kept unconscious until Cairistiona orders their deaths. Otherwise, I’m going to be executed for murder.” Talyn turned to Felicia and knelt down by her side to gather her into his arms.

Felicia buried her face against his neck. “I knew you’d come for me.”

“Always.” Trembling from the relief of finding her, he kissed her with everything he had.

Felicia gasped as Talyn stood with her in his arms. “I can walk.”

“I know.”

She scowled as he refused to set her down. “Talyn?”

He tightened his arms around her. “I came too close to losing you. Right now, I’m not sure I’ll ever let you out of my sight again. Definitely not until all the dust settles from this shit.”

Smiling, she laid her head down on his shoulder. “Okay, then. But this might get awkward when I have to go to the bathroom.”

He laughed as he carried her down the hallway. He paused to look back at his men. “If you want to drag those two bastards out of here by their ankles, instead of getting hernias carrying them, I’m all right with that. And if you bang their heads into everything you pass along the way, I’ll consider expedited promotions.”

The soldiers laughed so hard, they actually did drop them.

Morra clapped the one closest to her on the arm. “Not used to management with a wicked sense of humor, are you?”

“Not used to one with any kind of humor. Period.”

Felicia snuggled against Talyn.

Until they were outside. Talyn locked gazes with her. She had no idea what the expression on his face meant.

“No more hiding,” he breathed an instant before a huge set of wings expanded out of his back.

Gaping, she reached hesitantly to touch the soft texture of them. “You’re winged?”

“Stralen isn’t the only recessive gene I carry.”

She kissed him. “And I love every molecule of you. Recessive and otherwise.”

Talyn glanced to the other soldiers with him. One by one, they released their own wings. He grinned at her stunned expression. “Cairistiona and I reinstated the Winged divisions for the armada. She’s extended her protection to us. After all, we’re an endangered species now. The very last of our kind.”

Morra grabbed the largest Andarion male who didn’t have a prisoner to carry. “I have to say, I’m beginning to have a fine appreciation for these non-green species.”

Felicia laughed as the soldiers took flight.

Talyn hesitated on the ground with her. “You ready for this?”

“I trusted you with an airbike. I think I can handle it.”

But instead of joining the others, he stared down at her. “I love you.”

She rubbed noses with him. “Love you, too.”

He tightened his arms around her before he took flight. Felicia’s stomach fluttered as the ground rapidly Copyright 2016 - 2024