Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,147

why I love you.”

“ ’Cause I’m cute and fluffy, and I don’t bitch when you rip the covers off me at night.”

She laughed at that. “Go on, get out before I make good my threat to shoot you in the leg.”

Talyn paused at the door to glance back at Felicia. The sad light in her eyes made his stomach lurch. “I’ll be back, couriana. Promise.”

“You better be.”

His heart heavy that he’d made her sad, Talyn led Morra and Qory toward his office while Lorens stayed behind to console Felicia.

Morra used his link to place a call to her ally. When the man answered, he wasn’t what Talyn had pictured as a Tavali. At all. With dark auburn hair, he looked more like an aristocratic politician than a ruthless pirate. In fact, the man bled refinement. But that being said, his manner of dress was a careless casual, something reflected by the fact he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days.

The only clue to his real nature was the cold-blooded ruthlessness in his sharp blue eyes. “Lady Deathblade,” he said in greeting to Morra. “It’s been quite some time since I’ve had the privilege of seeing your beautiful face.”

She snorted. “Ryn, Ryn, Ryn… you’re such an outrageous flirt.”

“Can’t help it. I’ve always been attracted to the ladies, especially when they’re lethal.” He winked at her. “And since I know you so well, I know you’re not calling to pass the time. What can I do for you, my lovely?”

“I need a huge favor. Where are you?”

Ryn tsked. “Not at liberty to disclose. I’m on official business for my mother. Why?”

Morra deflected his question with one of her own. “Any chance you’re going to be near the Porturnum’s Port StarStation base anytime soon?”

The amused grin on Ryn’s face said that he knew she was being evasive on purpose. “And again, I ask why.”

She introduced Ryn to Talyn. “I’ll let Talyn take over.”

Talyn inclined his head to Ryn. “We have it on good authority that Venik is harboring our deposed tadara, and Parisa Anatole, a wanted fugitive. I want to go in undercover as a Tavali to verify it, and extract them if they really are there.”

Ryn arched a brow at that. “Have you any idea what happens to someone wearing Tavali gear when they’re not entitled? We have grave issues with posers.”

“And I have grave issues with the Andarion tadara trying to kill her own grandson and then using the Tavali, who are supposed to be our enemies, to hide her from our justice.”

Morra cleared her throat. “By the way, that grandson he’s talking about… it’s Nykyrian Quiakides. Someone near and dear all our hearts, who has a grudge against both the queen and Parisa.”

Ryn’s other eyebrow shot up. “Really?”

Morra nodded. “So long as they’re free, Nyk’s wife is in danger.”

“You just trotted out the magic name to the game, little sister. I owe Nyk for protecting my brother. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. Even bring my mother’s clan into war.” Ryn turned away for a second as if considering his next course of action. “Fine. I’m already here at their Andarion base. And this explains a lot of what I’ve been overhearing since my arrival. Y’all come as my guests and I’ll sponsor you. Let me know if you have any trouble getting in.”

“Thank you,” Talyn said.

“Peace be the journey.” Ryn cut the transmission.

As Talyn straightened, the knot in his gut drew tighter. Something bad was about to happen. “Can we trust him?”

Morra nodded. “That brother he mentioned? It’s Darling Cruel.”

“The Caronese prince?”

She nodded. “They have the same father.”

And Darling was the Sentella friend Jayne was always trying to protect. She thought the world of the man, and Jayne trusted almost no one.

Ryn wasn’t what Talyn felt, then. But something was off. He could sense it with the part of him that had never failed to be right.

If only he knew what his gut was trying to tell him.

Qory gestured to Morra as they left to head to the landing bay.

“What?” Talyn asked.

“He’s reminding me that we need to dress you like Tavali. You walk in there in that uniform… well, I’m always up for a good fight, but if you get hurt, Felicia will kick my ass and Jayne will help her.” She chucked Talyn on his arm as they boarded their Sentella ship, and Qory left to head for the flight deck to do preflight checks. She pulled Talyn to a private room on board. “So follow Copyright 2016 - 2024