Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,127

you were friends with Tara Orfanos and that you and your other friends were here, visiting.”

“Shut it!” an enforcer snarled as he pushed Aaron aside. “Talyn of the Winged Blood Clan of Batur. You are under arrest for an unsanctioned carnal relationship with Tara Felicia Orfanos.”

His features stone, Talyn slid his chair back slowly. “Says who?”

They all kept their weapons trained on him as if expecting the Hammer to attack.

The enforcer who’d been talking came forward cautiously. He extended a warrant toward Talyn, but kept enough room between them that he could withdraw fast should Talyn lunge at him. “It’s a royal decree. From the tahrs himself.”

Felicia felt her knees go weak. “This is ludicrous! It’s retaliation for my brother having Chrisen Anatole arrested!”

“It doesn’t matter,” Talyn said drily. He handed her the warrant. “Call my mother and let her know.”

“Talyn —”

“Shh,” he said gently. “We can’t fight that warrant. Not unless you produce contract papers for us.”

Her heart broke at the hopelessness in his eyes. “I’ll get you out of this. I swear it!”

Talyn put his hands behind his back and allowed them to cuff him and drag him from the condo. With one last apologetic grimace, Aaron went with them.

Fury tore through her as she read through the warrant. She’d suspected her agency as being the one who’d filed the report and had the prince sign off on it. Instead, it was Tahrs Jullien himself who accused them.

And as she skimmed the allegations and details, she realized why Talyn hadn’t fought it. Unless he pled guilty to blackmailing her into the relationship, or produced legal contract papers for them, she would be seized for a DNA swab to see if she’d had sexual contact with him. If confirmed, she’d be arrested, too.

Tears filled her eyes. She handed the warrant to Morra and went to get her link and call his mother and her father to tell them what had happened.

Felicia held Galene’s trembling hand as her father and brother discussed the best way to get Talyn out of jail before Jullien deported him again.

So far, her father had been able to keep him in the downtown lockup, but either Eriadne or Jullien could have Talyn moved. And at any time.

Morra cleared her throat to get their attention. “I admit that I don’t understand Andarion law. At all. But… from what I’m hearing, all you need is a contract that says Talyn is allowed to have conjugal visits with Felicia, right?”

Her father was less than pleased with how she phrased that. His eyes blazed fury at the small Schvardan. “In short, yes.”

“Then produce a contract.”

Her father rolled his eyes. “It’s not that simple. It would have to predate the allegations and they would have had to have filed it within seventy-two hours of signing it.”

“Filed it where?”

“The legal repository, at the palace.”

Morra scowled. “Is it automated?”

“Of course.” Her father scoffed at the question. “No one could possibly read through everything that’s filed on a daily basis. They do eventually review it, but it’s a six- to eight-month backlog.”

Morra winked at Felicia. “That’s it, then. Get me a copy of what one of these things looks like and I’ll forge you one. Take about an hour. We’ll have him home in two.”

Lorens laughed bitterly at her arrogance. “It’s not that easy.”

“For you, maybe.” Morra cracked her knuckles. “For me? I need a sample and an hour. I promise, I can get this done.”

Felicia shook her head in denial. “My brother’s right. It’s not so simple. Nor is it just paperwork. You have to have a licensed overseeing agent or agency. And unfortunately, the enforcers will demand to interview the designated agent before they allow Talyn his freedom.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, Morra considered that. “How do you form one of these agencies? Could I be an agent?”

Felicia shook her head. “They can only be established by an Andarion with a minimum of twenty years in the industry.”

Qorach signed to Morra, who smiled in response. She turned toward Felicia. “Didn’t you say your mother was a companion?”


“Could she be an agent?”

Felicia took a minute to run the scenario. “She could have been granted a license to begin one. Yes.”

“Could you be her first…” Morra slid an uncomfortable look toward Felicia’s father. “Offering?”

“In theory. Why?”

“Can you get her to lie to save Talyn?”

“I think so.”

Morra pulled her link out and set it up on the table. “Then tell me what I need to do and what systems I have to tap. Copyright 2016 - 2024