Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,117

chucked his chin. “So how’s my sexy baby? Your mom said I got you into all kinds of trouble with your girl.”

“Yes, you did.” He stepped back. “Jayne, meet my Felicia.”

Jayne approached her with a piercing stare that said the female took in a lot more than just Felicia’s physical appearance. “You look so tiny and harmless. But there’s a fire in your eyes that says you would and could kick my ass if you had to. I finally believe Hadrian’s story about the hospital.”

Felicia smiled at the truth. “If you’re going to rattle my cage, you better make sure I’m padlocked in it.”

Jayne hugged her. “I love that and I’m stealing it. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Tara Felicia.” Taking her hand, she pulled Felicia to the door, where Talyn was still standing. “Now allow me to introduce you to your two new best friends. Qorach and Morra.”

Felicia pulled up short as the largest male she’d ever seen stepped into the room. Holy gods! Her jaw went slack.

As did Talyn’s.

The man was at least half a foot taller than he was. For that matter, he was even broader, with muscles that were every bit as defined as Talyn’s. They were just bigger. A lot bigger. His head was shaved and held only the tiniest trace of black hair trying to grow back in. Fierce and deadly, he inclined his head to them and stepped to the side to reveal the tiny woman behind him.

Since she was wearing a black battlesuit identical to Jayne’s and Qorach’s, the only part of her skin that was visible was her neon green face and neck. The vivid color was interrupted by black markings that at first seemed to be painted on. But up close, it was obvious that intricate design was actually her skin, too. Her long, straight black hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung over her right shoulder.

And she was as tiny as Qorach was huge. She barely reached midchest on Felicia, who was barefoot. Compared to the males, Morra barely reached their waists.

“I know,” Morra said with a sigh. “I’m basically here to tie Qory’s shoes. They’re just too dang far down for him to reach them on his own.”

Qorach gave her a droll stare as Felicia laughed at her unexpected comment.

“And to answer the questions everyone has when they first meet me, but those with manners are too nice to ask… No. I don’t glow in the dark. So don’t even think of using me for a glowstick. Yes, I’m this green all over. Even my lips are neon green, as are my nail beds. The red lipstick and nail polish are a personal choice. And no, I have no intention of proving it. You’ll just have to take my word for it, as I only drop pants for super hot and sexy green men. I’m a Schvardan from Phrixus. We’re the land-walkers, which is what schvarda means in Phrixian. And while you might think I’m small, so are the deadliest explosive devices. Think of me like that tiny little bomb that can take off all your limbs and destroy half the city when it blows, and we’ll get along fine… And yes, frog jokes are highly offensive to me and I will hurt you for making them. Now, let me go catch a fly. I’m a little low on protein.”

Qorach made several hand gestures at her.

“No, I’m not saying that. And no one ever asks about you, anyway. They’re too afraid to.”

He grinned proudly at that.

Morra turned her attention back to Felicia and Talyn. “He can only speak with Qillaq sign language, and some League. So, I’m his translator for most things.”

Felicia cocked her head at that. “How similar are Qillaq signs to League or Andarion?”

“More similar to League gestures than Andarion. You speak League?”

Felicia gestured at Qorach. His entire face lit up as he responded.

Morra slapped at Jayne’s arm. “Well hell, I just got rendered useless. Look at them go!”

Jayne nodded. “I’m impressed.”

“I’m concerned,” Talyn added quickly. “I’m not sure I like this.”

“No.” Felicia gestured more. “Talyn doesn’t sign.”

Talyn snorted. “Not true. I know obscene gestures in fourteen languages.”

They all burst out laughing.

Qorach began signing again.

Felicia frowned. “But I don’t know all of those signs.”

Morra smiled. “He says it’s an honor to be assigned protective detail to such a generous and intelligent lady. And for Talyn not to worry. While he’s pretty sure he could kick Talyn’s ass, he knows for a fact that Copyright 2016 - 2024