Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,102

graciously provided her with a transport, most patrons didn’t, and Eris was too congested to rely strictly on public transportation for her classes.

“I know!” her broker said, mistaking her stunned facial expression for approval. “It’s incredible that he’d be so generous. But he said that he wants your services immediately… within a standard Andarion week.”

“May I ask who this patron is?”

He pushed a folder toward her. “Commander Merrell Anatole.”

Bile rose in her throat as anger ripped through her. She gently pushed the folder back toward her broker. “The answer’s no.”

He arched a brow. “You don’t have a say in this. Especially given the amount he’s offering to pay.”

Aghast, she stared at him. “I believe I do.”

Now anger darkened his eyes as he glared at her. “If you turn this down, we won’t offer a contract to your current patron. Period. You’ll have to start the process over again. Only this time, you’re no longer a virgin and you won’t have the same bargaining power you had before.”

Rising to her feet, she tapped the folder with her fingertip. “This isn’t about me. This is the commander trying to hurt Talyn, and I refuse to be a part of that. The only reason he’s doing it is because we have a ban on his brother contracting with the agency after he killed a companion. No offense, I’d sooner walk the streets as a prostitute. If you force me to do this, I will leave this agency.”

He scoffed at her bold words. “You can’t. You owe us ten years of fees at your current contracted rate. That’s what you agreed to when we took you on and trained you.”

“Fine. I’ll buy my contract back.”

“And do you have a half million credits? Those are the buyout terms and fees.”

Her vision dimmed at the amount. Dear gods, if she had that kind of money, she’d never have had to sell her virginity. “That wasn’t what I signed on for.”

“Those are the fees that are currently being paid by your patron and the fees Anatole has agreed to continue for the next ten years.”

Talyn was paying fifty thousand credits a year to her agency to have her? Holy gods! That was more than five times the normal agency fee! Was he insane? And that was in addition to paying for her living expenses, university fees, and monthly spending stipend and salary.

“You’re the only one I wanted, Felicia.” He seriously hadn’t been joking when he’d said that. Virtually every credit he made as an officer was going to her. Probably more, given his caste. What the hell was he living on?

And never once had he told her to go easy on his money. “Your comfort and safety are my priority.”

If she hadn’t loved him before, she would now.

Tears choked her. “I will not break Talyn’s contract. I’ll get you your buyout fee.”

“With what? You’re not that attractive.”

She ached to slap the arrogant, insulting expression from his face. But she couldn’t afford the lawsuit. She needed every credit she had to fight this. “You’ll get your credits.”

“Then I’ll e-mail you the bill. You have fifteen days to pay it or we will accept Anatole’s contract on your behalf.” He hit the Send button on his computer screen.

Her link buzzed immediately, letting her know that the bill was already in her inbox.

“Now, if you don’t mind, I have work to do.”

Dizzy and shocked, she pushed herself away from his desk and headed to the street. As soon as she reached the lift, she took out her link and wanted to die as she saw the full amount she owed her agency. 524,050.

Her mind reeled. Not even her brother had that kind of money. No one she knew did. Except maybe her father. But he’d laugh her out of his home if she dared ask him for that amount.

What am I going to do?

She’d kill herself before she let a monster like Anatole touch her.

Climbing into a transport, she set her home address, then used her link to access her bank account. She didn’t even have three thousand credits to her name, and that was with the savings account she’d had since she was fourteen.

Her heart breaking, she erased the condo address and typed in her mother’s. The transport turned and headed in the opposite direction. Choking on a sob, she called Talyn, who was alone at the condo.

“Maj…” his voice trailed off as he caught himself. “Lieutenant Batur.”

Even though she wasn’t running the video feed, she brushed the tears Copyright 2016 - 2024