Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,95

never loved anyone more than your own life. You can’t possibly understand how it is to feel your own heart breaking at the thought of the person you love getting hurt. I would die for the people I love.”

His eyes were hard and cold as he stood. “You are right. I don’t understand.” The cold mask was back. I hadn’t seen it directed at me in weeks.

I wiped my eyes and stood as well. “Why didn’t you tell me? You’ve known for weeks.”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t like it.”

I shook my head. “You knew I’d be mad at you, and you didn’t want to ruin your chances of fucking me.” I didn’t blush, even though I never used the word.

Luca became rigid. “Of course I wanted to fuck you. But I got the impression you enjoyed our fucking sessions.”

I wanted to hurt him. He was so cold. Of course it had always been about taking what was his, about claiming my body. He didn’t give a shit about me, or anyone. “And you worried I wasn’t a good enough actress to fool everyone after our little trick on our wedding night. But it turns out, I even fooled you.” I let out an ugly laugh. “I made you believe I actually enjoyed it.”

Something flickered in Luca’s eyes, something that made me want to take back my words for a moment, but then his mouth pulled into a cruel smile. “Don’t lie to me. I’ve fucked enough whores to know an orgasm when I see one.”

I flinched as if he’d hit me. Had he just compared me to his whores? I said the ugliest thing I could think of. “Some women even experience an orgasm when they’re being raped. It’s not because they’re enjoying it. It’s their body’s way of coping.”

For a long time Luca didn’t say anything. His nostrils flared and his chest heaved and his hands were clenched to fists. He looked like he wanted to kill me on the spot. Then the scariest thing happened: the anger slipped off his face. His expression became emotionless, his eyes as smooth and impenetrable as steel. “Your sister should be happy that Matteo wants her. Few men can stand her gab.”

“God, that’s the reason, isn’t it?” I said in disgust. “It’s because she told him that he’d never get her hot body that day in the hotel. He didn’t like it. He couldn’t bear that she was immune to his creepy charm.”

“She shouldn’t have challenged him. Matteo is a determined hunter. He gets what he wants.” Still not a flicker of emotion, not even in Luca’s voice. It was like he was made from ice.

“He gets what he wants? It’s not hunting if he forces her into marriage by asking my father for her hand. That is cowardice.”

“It doesn’t matter. They’re getting married.” He turned his back to me, as if he was dismissing me.

Luca didn’t get it. He couldn’t. He didn’t know Gianna as well as I did. She wouldn’t go into this union quietly like I had. I stormed toward the elevator. “Aria, what the fuck are you doing?”

I was in the elevator before Luca could reach it and was on my way one floor down. I stepped out into Matteo’s apartment. It was basically a mirror image of our own, except that it wasn’t a duplex. Matteo was sitting in an armchair, listening to some kind of crappy rap music when he saw me. He rose, eying me cautiously as he came toward me. “What are you doing here?”

I pushed my palms against his chest when he stopped in front of me. “Take your proposal back. Tell my father you don’t want Gianna.”

Matteo laughed. “Why would I? I want her. I always get what I want. Gianna shouldn’t have played games with the big boys.”

I lost it and slapped him across the face. My stupid Italian temperament. I usually reined it in, better than my other siblings at least, but not today. He gripped my arm, shoved me back so my spine collided painfully with the wall, and trapped me between it and his body. I gasped. “You are lucky that you are my brother’s wife.”

The elevator dinged as it stopped and opened. “Let her go,” Luca growled, stepping out. Matteo backed away at once and gave me a cold smile.

Luca walked up to me, eyes scanning my body before facing his brother. “You won’t do that again.”

“Then teach her manners. I won’t let her hit me again.” Copyright 2016 - 2024