Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,58

I sat up, disappointed that Luca hadn’t woken me. I slipped out of bed when he came into the bedroom from the hallway, already dressed in black, with a chest holster that held two knives and two guns, and who knew how many more holsters on the rest of his body with more weapons. “Are you leaving already?”

He grimaced. “The Bratva got one of ours. They left him in tiny pieces around one of our clubs.”

“Somebody I know?” I asked with dread. Luca shook his head. “Will the police get involved?”

“Not if I can help it.” Luca cupped my face. “I’ll try to be home early, okay?”

I nodded. He lowered his head, watching me the entire time to see if I would pull back. His lips brushed over mine. I opened my mouth for him and sank into the kiss, but it was over too quick. I watched his back as he left. Then I picked up the phone and called Gianna.

“I thought you’d never call,” was the first thing out of her mouth.

I smiled. “I haven’t even showered yet, and it’s only eight in Chicago. You can’t have been awake for long.”

“You didn’t call yesterday and all I got was a short text. I was sick with worry. I couldn’t sleep because of you. I hate that we are so far apart and I can’t see for myself if you’re okay. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I am.” I told her about my conversation with Luca and how we’d spent yesterday together.

“How noble of him to agree to not cheat on you again and actually try to make the marriage work. Give that man flowers.”

“He isn’t a good man, Gianna. There are no good men in our world. But I think he really wants to try. And I want it too.”

“Why don’t you ask him if I can come visit for a few days? I don’t have school for another two weeks and I’m bored out of my mind without you. We could spend a couple of days at the beach in the Hamptons and go shopping in Manhattan.”

“What about Father? Did you ask him?”

“He told me to ask you and Luca.”

“I will ask him. I don’t think he’ll mind. It’s not like he’s home very often at the moment. Most days I’m alone with Romero.”

“Why don’t you ask Luca if you can go to college? You’ve got perfect grades. You would have no trouble getting into Columbia.”

“What for? I won’t ever be allowed to work. It’s too dangerous.”

“You could help Luca with his clubs. You could be his secretary or whatever. You’ll go crazy if you stay in that penthouse all the time.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” I said, even though I really wasn’t sure. Gianna had a point. “I will talk to Luca about your visit. Now I really need to take a shower and grab something to eat.”

“Call me as soon as possible. I need to book a flight.”

I smiled. “I will. Stay out of trouble.”

“You too.”

I hung up. Then I got ready and dressed in a breezy summer dress. It was sunny outside and I wanted to walk through Central Park. When I stepped into the living room, Romero was sitting at the dining room table with a cup of coffee in front of him.

“Was Luca very angry with you?” I asked as I walked past him toward the huge open kitchen. Homemade carrot cake set on the counter and I could hear Marianna humming somewhere. She was probably cleaning. Romero got up, took his cup and leaned against the kitchen island. “He wasn’t happy. You could have been killed. I’m supposed to protect you.”

“What’s Luca doing today?”

Romero shook his head.

“What is he doing? I want to know details. Why is he taking so many guns with him?”

“He, Matteo and a few others are going to find the guys who killed our man, and then they’re going to get revenge.”

“That sounds dangerous.” A hint of worry filled me. Revenge was never the end of things. The Bratva would take revenge in turn for Luca’s revenge. It was a never-ending cycle

“Luca and Matteo have been doing this for a long time. They are the best, and so are the men with them.”

“And instead of being in on the fun, you have to babysit me.”

Romero gave a shrug, then he smiled. “It’s an honor.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’d like to go jogging in Central Park.”

“Will you try to run away again?”

“Why would I? There’s nowhere I can run. And Copyright 2016 - 2024