Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,393

horrible guy. And it wasn’t like I hadn’t gotten a taste of happiness. Being with Romero had been amazing. It was something I’d never regret and would always cherish. It was time to do the right thing. Maria had accepted her fate. So many girls had before me. I should too, if only to keep my loved ones safe.

Once I’d made up my mind, I felt relief, then deep sadness. I lay down but sleep wouldn’t come. I remembered the longing in Mother’s eyes before her death and couldn’t help but wonder if the same look would be in my eyes one day.


I’d have never thought I’d ever consider going against the Famiglia, but I could not watch Lily getting married to that man. She was mine and I didn’t care what I’d have to do to keep it that way. Luca had been eying me almost all day yesterday. He’d never looked at me with true suspicion in his eyes before. I had to admit it hurt to know he didn’t trust me anymore, and worse that he had every right to be wary of me. I’d gone against his direct orders, broken my oath, and betrayed the people who’d been as close, maybe even closer than my own family. When I came to Luca and Aria’s penthouse that morning, I saw it in Luca’s gaze that he knew he’d lost me. Another Capo might have eliminated me right then to prevent worse. Aria gave me an encouraging smile but I didn’t miss that Luca left without kissing her. That never happened and was a fucking bad sign.

As soon as I could I called Lily. The phone rang almost two dozen times before I gave up. Aria shot me a worried look. “Maybe she’s still having breakfast with Fabi and Father.”

I waited a couple of minutes before I tried again. If she didn’t answer this time, I’d book a fucking flight to Chicago today and get her. To my relief, Lily picked up after the third ring.

“Where were you? I tried to call you before. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” The detachment in her tone made me pause. It felt like there was a barrier between us that had nothing to do with our physical separation.

“I’ve been thinking about the best way to go about it and I think I should fly over to you as soon as possible. Luca is getting more and more suspicious, so we need to act quickly.”

“I don’t think we should do it.”

“Do what?” I asked carefully.

“Run away.”

“I know you don’t want to leave your sisters, but maybe Luca will take us in later. Aria might change his mind.”

“No,” she said firmly. “I mean I don’t want you to come here and take me away. I’m going to stay.”

I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. “What are you saying? That you want to marry Benito? I don’t believe that for one second. He could be your father.”

“But he’s an important man. He has many soldiers who follow him.”

“Since when do you care about something like that?”

“I’ve always cared about it. I enjoyed our time together, Romero, but we have to be reasonable. It could never work out between us. You are a soldier and I have a duty to fulfill as the daughter of a Consigliere. We all have to do things we don’t want to do.”

“What the fuck did your father do? This doesn’t sound like you, Lily.”

“Romero, please. Don’t make this harder than it is. You have your responsibilities to Luca. I don’t want you to break your oath.”

“I don’t care about my oath.”

“But you should!” she said angrily. “I don’t want you to come here. It’s over between us, Romero. I’m going to do the right thing and marry Benito. And you should do the right thing and follow Luca’s orders.”

Suddenly I was angry. “So what was this between us? An adventure for the summer? Curiosity about how it would be to fuck a common soldier?”

Lily sucked in a deep breath and I regretted my harsh words, but I was too proud to take them back or apologize. “We can’t talk again,” she said quietly. Was she crying? “We should forget what happened.”

“Don’t worry, I will,” I said, then I hung up. I flung my phone away. “Fuck!”

Aria rushed toward me, alarmed. “What’s wrong? Is it Lily?”

“She wants to go through with marrying Brasci.”

Aria froze. “She said that?”

I nodded. I headed for the kitchen. I needed a cup of coffee. Aria hurried after Copyright 2016 - 2024