Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,326

evening and be nice to Romero’s sisters but I wanted something special for my birthday, something I’d been dreaming about for a very long time. When I noticed Romero heading out onto the roof terrace for a call, I snuck out as well. The others were hopefully busy enough not to miss me for a couple of minutes. Romero talked on the phone and didn’t notice me at first. I followed him quietly and watched as he leaned against the banister. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing muscled forearms. I wondered how it would feel to run my hands over them, to feel his skin and strength.

When his eyes settled on me, his brows drew together in a frown and he straightened. I moved closer and positioned myself beside him. He hung up and put his phone in his pocket. “Shouldn’t you be inside with your guests?” he asked with a smile, but I could tell that it wasn’t as honest as usual.

I moved a bit closer and smiled up at him. “I needed some fresh air.”

Romero’s eyes were alert as he watched me. “We should return.”

“There’s something I want for my birthday,” I said quietly. “Something only you can give me.” I’d repeated the words in my head countless times but aloud they didn’t sound half as flirty as they had in my imagination.

“Liliana,” Romero began, his body brimming with tension.

I didn’t want to hear what he was going to say. I quickly stood on my tiptoes and tried to kiss him. He gripped my shoulders before my lips reached his and held me away from him like I had an infectious sickness.

“What are you doing?” He let me go and took a few steps back. “You are a child, and I’m a soldier of the Famiglia. I’m not a toy you can play with whenever you’re bored.”

I hadn’t expected that kind of reaction from him. Surprise and shock, yes, but anger? No. “I only wanted to kiss you. I don’t want to play games. I like you.”

Romero shook his head as he gestured toward the glass door. “Go back inside. Your sisters will start to wonder where you are.”

He sounded like a big brother, and that was the last thing I wanted him to be. I whirled around before I walked back in a rush. My heart shriveled in my chest. For some reason I’d never considered a rejection from Romero. I’d fantasized about our first kiss so often that the option of it never happening had never crossed my mind. The rest of the evening, I struggled to keep a happy face, especially whenever I saw Romero. I was actually glad to return to Chicago. I wouldn’t get to see Romero for a long time, enough time to get over him and find someone else to crush on.


I’d known Liliana had a crush on me. Aria had mentioned it before, but I’d never expected the girl to act on her feelings. She was a pretty kid. A kid.

I didn’t have the slightest interest in her and the sooner she understood the better. She’d looked fucking hurt when I’d lashed out at her, but I had no choice. Even if she weren’t still a child, I couldn’t have let her kiss me. I was a soldier of the Famiglia and she was the daughter of the Outfit’s Consigliere.

When I returned to the living area, Luca walked up to me. “What was that? Why was Liliana outside with you?”

Of course he’d noticed. Luca never missed anything.

“She tried to kiss me.”

Luca’s eyebrows rose. “I assume you pushed her away.”

“Do you really have to ask? She’s my sister’s age.”

“Her age isn’t even the main problem. At least in her father’s eyes.”

“I know.” I was a soldier, and girls like Liliana were supposed to stay in their own social circles.

Luca sighed. “That girl will be as much trouble as Gianna, if not worse.”

I had a feeling he might be right.



“The nerve of that girl! From the day she’d been born she’s been nothing but trouble!” Father’s words echoed through the house. Fabiano peered up at me with his big blue eyes as if I knew the answers to his questions. My own mind was a huge question mark. I wasn’t exactly sure what had happened but I got the gist of it. Gianna had disappeared while she’d been in New York with Aria. Now everyone was looking for her. No wonder Aria hadn’t asked me to visit as Copyright 2016 - 2024