Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,317

barbecue on the patio. The weather was holding up and we could eat outside. Aria went inside to grab the salad she’d prepared while Matteo headed toward the wine cellar for something to drink. That left me alone with Luca who was manning the barbecue grill. I set the table, pretending he wasn’t there. Things between Luca and me were tense; they’d never been not tense, but they’d gotten worse since I’d accepted his offer months ago.

I took a deep breath. This had to stop. Luca was not only Matteo’s brother, he was also Aria’s husband. We had to make a truce at some point. I put down the last plate, wiped my hands and then strode over to Luca who was turning the marinated lamb chops around on the grate. As if he could sense my attention, he glanced up. It was futile trying to read his expression. I bridged the remaining distance between us. Most of our interactions hadn’t exactly been civil. My go-to response to him was usually snarkiness, but I was doing my best to keep my expression open and as friendly as possible.

Luca raised one dark eyebrow when I stopped beside him.

Suddenly I felt ridiculously nervous. “I know you don’t like me,” I began. “But I think we should try to get along better for Aria and Matteo.”

I managed not to squirm when he scrutinized me. What was he thinking?

“I didn’t like you because I hated how you treated Matteo.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, not sure where to go from there.

“But I’m starting to change my mind.”

“You are?”

He turned another lamb chop. “I’m starting to think that maybe Matteo was right and you two aren’t the worst match.”

“Thanks?” I said, unsure if it was meant in a positive way. “You are really bad with compliments.”

“I’m not in the habit of handing them out. And don’t tell my brother I said he was right. He’s cocky enough.” His eyes went to something behind me and I turned and spotted Matteo heading in our direction, his arms loaded with several bottles of wine.

“He is,” I agreed with a smile. Luca gave me what could be considered his version of a smile, and some kind of silent understanding passed between us.

Matteo set the wine bottles down on the table before joining us and wrapping his arm around my waist. “What are you two gossiping about?”

“You,” Luca and I said at the same time.

“Is that so?” Matteo lifted one eyebrow.

Aria came back from the kitchen, eyes darting between us. She pressed up against Luca with a confused look. “What’s going on?”

“Your husband and my wife are discussing my many wonderful traits,” Matteo said.

I nudged his side. “You are way too cocky.”

Matteo kissed my ear. “Admit it, you love my cockiness.”


“Your declarations of love still make my knees go weak,” he joked.

I stood on my tiptoes. “Your cockiness isn’t the only thing I love about you.” I let my eyes wander the length of him.

“I need some bloody lamb to cancel out this disgusting display of sweetness,” Luca muttered, but I didn’t miss the tender look he’d given Aria when he thought no one was paying attention.

Matteo swept me into his arms and kissed me. Luca grumbled something else but I didn’t listen. All that mattered was Matteo.


(Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #4)



I knew it was wrong. If someone found out, if my father found out, he’d keep me locked up in Chicago. He wouldn’t even let me leave the house anymore. What I was doing was inappropriate and unladylike. People were still bad-mouthing Gianna after all that time. They’d jump at the chance to find a new victim, and what could be better than another Scuderi sister getting caught in the act?

And deep down I knew I was exactly like Gianna when it came to resisting temptation. I simply couldn’t. Romero’s door wasn’t locked. I slipped into his bedroom on tiptoes, holding my breath. He wasn’t there but I could hear water running in the adjoining bathroom. I crept in that direction. The door was ajar and I peered through the gap.

Romero was a creature of habit so I found him under the shower as expected, but from my vantage point I couldn’t see much. I edged the door open with my foot and slipped in.

My breath caught at the sight of him. He had his back turned to me and it was a glorious view. The muscles in his shoulders and back flexed as he washed his Copyright 2016 - 2024