Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,311

tried. You were always content with being a bitch.”

Aria gasped. “Luca, please.”

“No. He’s right. I’m a bitch, and I’m leaving now. Tell Matteo goodbye from me.” Wow, spoken like a true bitch. It was too late to take the words back, and I knew I would be too prideful to do it anyway. I took two of my bags that Aria must have carried down before I’d woken, and headed for Sandro who picked up my other bags and followed me toward the elevator. I stepped inside and faced Aria and Luca, my head held high. Luca’s gaze was unrestrained hate, but Aria was crying. She was pleading me with her eyes and eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and lowered my gaze to the floor. The doors slid shut and the elevator started moving. Sandro didn’t try to make conversation. Every look he gave me spoke of disapproval. I wondered if Luca would have had me killed if it weren’t for Aria.

* * *

Sandro drove me to a hotel where I would stay until I’d found an apartment. I wasn’t even sure if I would stay in New York. Returning to Chicago was definitely out of the question. I’d be dead within a week.

“Here. That’s five thousand dollars. Luca will contact you with more details soon,” Sandro said as he parked in front of the hotel. A doorman opened my door. Sandro didn’t follow me as I got out of the car, only gave the doorman information about the reservation. The moment the doorman had lifted my luggage out of the trunk, Sandro drove off, leaving me alone. I stared after the car. Nobody was watching me. I was free.

Then why did freedom feel like my new prison?


“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Luca muttered as he followed me into my apartment.

“This is my home. I’m not an invalid. I won’t have another sleepover at your place,” I said. I was still feeling fucking dizzy but I wasn’t going to admit it to Luca. I walked into my bedroom, Luca close behind me. If he didn’t stop it soon, I’d kick his ass.

I stopped in the middle of the room. The drawers were ajar. I didn’t have to look into them to know they were empty.

“She moved out this morning,” Luca said.

“I know.”

I could feel Luca’s eyes on me. “You should stay with Aria and me. It’s almost Christmas. Do you want to spend the holidays sulking?”

“I don’t care about Christmas. And I’m not sulking. I’m supposed to rest, remember?” I pointed at my head, then walked over to the bed and lay down. “And I don’t want you to watch me while I sleep.”

“You will have dinner with Aria and me tonight. I don’t care if I have to drag you into my penthouse, but you will be there.”

I nodded. “Let me sleep.”

He finally left. Of course there was no way I could sleep. My eyes darted toward the dressing room with its empty shelves. Gianna was really gone, and this time I wasn’t going to hunt her.



I stared out of the window of my hotel room. It was dinnertime but I wasn’t hungry. I hadn’t left the room since I’d checked in this morning. Did freedom always feel this lonely?

My phone beeped with a message. It was from Aria.

Matteo broke down again. He’s unconscious.

I called her immediately, my heart hammering in my chest. She picked up after the first ring. “Where is he?” I asked.

“At our place. He’s in the guest bedroom. The doc says he needs to stay in bed. He overexerted himself too soon after the crash.”

“I’m coming over.”

“You are?” Aria asked in a hopeful voice.

“Yes. Tell Luca he should get used to my presence again.”

I could practically hear Aria smiling. “I knew it.” She paused. “I’ll send Sandro over.”

“No, I’m taking a cab. I’ll be there soon.”

When I arrived in the apartment, Luca barred my way. “What is she doing here?”

“I want to see Matteo,” I said. And I didn’t care if I had to knock out Luca to do it.

Luca glared. “Get the fuck away.”

“Luca, please,” Aria whispered.

I tried to walk past Luca but he didn’t let me. “Let me see my husband.”

“Matteo can’t use the emotional stress right now. You leaving and then returning won’t help with his recovery,” Luca growled. I had a feeling his words would have been much worse if Aria weren’t standing beside him. “If you stay now, you’ll stay for good. I’m done with Copyright 2016 - 2024