Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,262

couldn’t stop thinking about him with Gianna. How many more guys had seen her naked? Had been in her? I really needed to find out their names and kill them all.

When we finally landed in New York, I was back to being royally pissed again. I barely glanced at Gianna as we took my Porsche Cayenne back to our apartment building. Every time I caught a glimpse down her shirt to the soft swell of her breasts, I almost lost my shit. I needed to get a grip on myself. It didn’t matter what Gianna had done before today. Now she was mine, and if I didn’t put a stop to my rising wrath, I’d only do something that I’d regret later on.


Matteo had a strange look on his face whenever he glanced my way. I couldn’t really put my finger on it, but somehow it made me nervous. Of course I pretended I didn’t notice anything.

Aria had tried to talk me into telling Matteo the truth throughout the entire duration of our flight, and even now that we were pulling into the underground garage of the apartment building, she was still giving me meaningful looks. I was worried that she’d take it into her own hands to share my secret with Matteo, but she knew I’d see it as a breach of my confidence and so I hoped she’d hold herself back.

Matteo took my hand when I got out of the car and practically dragged me toward the elevator. Aria and Luca had trouble keeping up with our pace. I had a feeling I knew why Matteo was so eager to reach his apartment. We all piled into the elevator. It started moving and Matteo’s dark eyes watched me in the mirror, something hungry and furious gleaming in their depth. The hunger was inexplicable to me. I looked a mess. Shadows under my eyes, fat lip, pale skin.

Maybe I should have felt more anxious, but I only wanted to get this over with. Maybe Matteo would even lose interest in me once he’d had me, though part of me wondered if I’d really be happy if Matteo suddenly started ignoring me.

The elevator stopped with a bling and the sleek doors glided open. Without another word, Matteo pulled me into his apartment. I threw a glance over my shoulder and caught sight of Aria’s worried expression moments before the closing elevator doors hid her from my view. Matteo led me toward a door to our right. I barely had time to take in the modern furniture and stunning view of New York before we rushed into the bedroom and Matteo flung the door shut. The desire in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn’t take no for an answer tonight.



Nobody had ever looked at me like that, like I was the only source of water in a time of drought. And by God, I enjoyed it. Part of me at least, the other part, the stubborn part, wanted to hang onto my anger and sadness and indignation, and not give a damn about Matteo’s desire for me.

In the last twenty-four hours my dreams had been crushed and an innocent life had been taken. I felt like it was my duty to fight this marriage, and the tingling that flooded my body whenever Matteo touched me. I owed it to Sid, and to my own self-respect. I’d fought too hard and long to be free.

Before I could make up my mind about what I was going to do, Matteo jerked me against him and claimed my mouth in a fierce kiss that made me gasp, then tense. His tongue slipped between my lips, and without wanting to I opened up for him, parted my lips, wrestled his tongue with mine. My hands found their way into his hair, tugging, raking, wanting him closer and at the same time wanting to shove him away.

Matteo gripped my butt and hoisted me up. My legs wound themselves around his waist, but our lips never parted. My body was aflame with lust. No kiss before had even come close to this. Matteo started walking, carrying me toward his bed.

Fight him, Gianna. Fight this. You owe it to Sid.

But I was sick of fighting for today, sick of my emotions. Today I only wanted to feel, let my body take control, forget everything for a few hours at least. There would be plenty of time for resistance later in this marriage.

Matteo threw me down Copyright 2016 - 2024