Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,260

Father treated you horribly. Maybe he would forgive you if you told him the truth.” She moved as if she wanted to head downstairs to tell him herself, but I pulled her back down on the bed.

“Don’t,” I said firmly. “I don’t want anyone to know. I don’t care if they call me a slut. I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing.”

Aria gave me a look that made it clear she thought I’d lost my mind. “You have to tell Matteo at least. You have to.”

“Why? So he can pride himself on being my first? Fuck no. He’s already acting like he’s my savior. It’ll be only worse if he finds out.”

“No, you have to tell him so he can be careful.”

I snorted. “I don’t need him to be careful. I don’t want him to know.”

“Gianna, if your first time is anything like mine you’ll be thanking your lucky stars if Matteo is careful, trust me.”

“I’ll survive.” But Aria’s words were starting to make me nervous.

“That’s ridiculous. If he thinks you’re experienced, he might take you without much preparation. That’ll really hurt.”

I shook my head. “Aria, please. I’ve made my decision. I don’t want Matteo to know. It’s none of his business.”

“What if he finds out anyway? There would have been no way I could have hidden it from Luca.”

“I’m good at hiding pain. Maybe I’ll bite into a pillow.”

Aria laughed. “That sounds like the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”

Someone knocked. I quickly sat up, my stomach in knots. What if Father and Dante had changed their minds and I was to stay in Chicago?

When the door opened and Mother walked in, I exhaled. She didn’t smile and didn’t try to come closer. She was the image of a perfect Italian wife, always properly dressed, always submissive and polite, and incredibly skilled at hiding bruises whenever Father lost it and slapped her. She was everything I never wanted to become. If Matteo ever slapped me, I’d hit him back, no matter the consequences.

“The priest is on his way. He’ll be here in fifteen minutes. We need to get you ready for the ceremony,” she said matter-of-factly.

My eyes widened. “So soon?”

Mother nodded. “The Vitiellos want to return to New York as soon as possible, which is probably for the best.”

I rose from the bed, then slowly walked toward Mother. “Father will be glad to see me gone.”

“What about you?” I wanted to ask but didn’t dare to.

Mother lifted her hand and brushed my cheek for the barest moment before taking a step back. “You shouldn’t have run. You ruined your reputation.”

“I don’t care about my reputation.”

“But you should.” She turned to my wardrobe and opened it. “Now let’s see if there’s a dress you can wear for the ceremony. Of course I wish I could have seen you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress.” She sighed. Was she trying to make me feel guilty? Because it was working.

Aria moved to my side and squeezed my shoulder before helping Mother look for a dress. Eventually she chose a backless cream-colored floor-length fitted gown that I’d worn for New Years. Aria helped me with my makeup, though it didn’t hide my fat lip.

“I’ll see if the priest has arrived,” Mother said, before hesitating in the doorway with a wistful expression. She opened her mouth but then turned and closed the door.

I tried not to take it to heart. I’d known my parents and most of the people in my world would condemn me for what I’d done, so why was it hurting so much?

“Do you think Lily and Fabi will be allowed to watch the ceremony?” I asked in an embarrassingly hopeful voice.

“Let me talk to Father. I’m sure I can convince him,” Aria said.

I didn’t protest as she walked out. If someone could convince Father, then it was Aria. I faced the mirror. My eyes were sad and tired. I didn’t look like the blushing happy bride. Not that anyone expected me to. This wasn’t even a real wedding. Despite my best intentions, regret gripped me once again. How could my life have become such a mess? All I’d ever wanted was to be free to make my own decisions. Maybe I would have married Matteo if he’d ever bothered to ask me instead of ordering me to do it. And now I wouldn’t ever get a real wedding or a beautiful dress. I’d always thought I didn’t care about these things but now that Copyright 2016 - 2024