Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,250

me again.”


After what had happened today, I wasn’t sure I’d ever risk another escape.

Matteo’s phone rang again and he cursed. I was glad for the distraction. The intensity of his gaze had spoken to a part of me I’d tried to fight ever since the kiss. I lay back down, but the moment I closed my eyes, images of Sid’s body flashed through my mind. Even if Matteo hadn’t killed him, that didn’t mean it wasn’t his fault. He’d have done the same if Carmine hadn’t acted first.

I must have dozed off because I jerked violently when something touched my arm. My eyes flew open and I found Matteo hovering over me. He straightened with a wry smile. “Sid’s death doesn’t seem to bother you too much if you can fall asleep like that.”

I sat up, glaring, knowing he was being cruel on purpose, but at the same time wondering if it was true. Was I that callous? Was I more like Matteo than I wanted to admit? No. I had dreamed about Sid’s death, and my chest felt like it was in a vise when I thought about him.

“We need to get going. Our flight leaves soon.” Matteo grasped my wrist to pull me to my feet but I wrenched it away, suddenly angry. Matteo reached for me again, jerked me to my feet and against his body. “Careful, Gianna. Less than two hours ago I saw you messing around with another guy. I pride myself for my control but there is a limit to what I will take from you.”

I swallowed my words and let Matteo lead me out of the room. Stan and Carmine were already waiting in the corridor. Their eyes scanned me from head to toe then Stan said, “She’s still surprisingly unscathed. If my fiancée had gone around fucking other men, I’d have beaten her to a bloody pulp.”

“Do I look like I care about your fucking opinion?” Matteo asked dangerously. I chanced a look at him, wondering why exactly he wasn’t doing what Stan had suggested. I decided to keep my mouth shut for now. Self-preservation wasn’t my strong suite, but I wasn’t completely suicidal, even if death might be preferable to what Father had in mind for me.

Twenty minutes later we boarded the private jet of the Outfit and I took a seat next to the window. Matteo sat across from me but he didn’t make conversation. Nobody tried to speak to me throughout the entire flight. I had a feeling Matteo was using the time to calm down. Occasionally I’d catch him watching me but I couldn’t read the look in his eyes. When I rose halfway through the flight to go to the toilet, Matteo stood as well.

I swallowed a comment and walked toward the toilet in the rear. When Matteo didn’t back off even as I opened the door, I couldn’t hold back any more. Self-preservation be damned. “Are you going to watch me pee? It’s not like I can escape by jumping off the plane.”

“I wouldn’t put it past you to try and kick a hole into the wall of the plane to kill us all.”

Was he being serious? The corner of his mouth twitched but then his expression hardened again. For a moment our eyes were locked, then I quickly stepped into the small toilet and closed the door. Matteo didn’t stop me but I knew he’d be waiting for me and probably listen for strange noises.

I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Fear and sadness raged in my body, and it was getting increasingly difficult not to break down into a sobbing mess. I almost wished Matteo had manhandled me. Why did he have to act like a decent human being?

“What are you doing? Don’t force me to kick in that fucking door,” Matteo muttered.

Not even caring that he would hear me, I took care of business before I stepped back out two minutes later. Matteo’s eyes wandered over me as if he was looking for a sign that I was up to something. I would have laughed if I thought I could.

We returned to our seats and resumed our silence.

My stomach was in knots when we landed in Chicago. I hadn’t gotten a minute of sleep while we were in the air. The knowledge that I would have to face Father soon kept me wide awake. Only yesterday, I’d eaten pizza with my flat mates and made plans for a trip to Croatia Copyright 2016 - 2024