Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,231

my bodyguards.

The moment we entered the living room, I knew I could kiss that plan goodbye. Lily let out a small sound in the back of her throat, her nails digging into my palm. Father was talking to Dante Cavallaro, Luca, and Matteo, while the other men, as well as Aria, my mother, and Matteo’s stepmother, Nina Vitiello, stood around them. Father’s eyes narrowed immediately when he saw me with Lily. Fabi quickly rushed toward him and Father scowled at him, probably giving Fabi a lecture under his breath.

Matteo’s gaze captured me with its intensity. He was dressed in black pants and a white shirt.

“Gianna,” Father said in a tight voice. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

Everyone expected me to walk over to my father, so he could hand me over to Matteo, and I would have if Lily hadn’t started shaking beside me at the sight of Matteo, Romero, and Luca.

Her eyes darted to me. There was a flicker of fear on her face. I didn’t want Father, much less anyone else, to know that she was terrified. Father would be furious. Maybe he’d even hit her, and Lily really didn’t need another bad experience. She’d been struggling enough in the last few months.

She was frozen beside me.

“Gianna, stop the nonsense and come over here,” Father growled.

Aria came toward me. “What’s wrong?”

Lily and I exchanged a look. So far we hadn’t told Aria anything, but it would be hard to explain Lily’s strange behavior.

“Long story,” I said. “Can you take Lily’s hand?”

But Father had had enough. He stalked toward me and grabbed my wrist in a crushing grip before he dragged me toward Matteo. “I’ve had enough of your insolence.” I almost stumbled on my heels as I hurried after him.

Matteo pulled me against him, forcing Father to release me. The look on Matteo’s face bore a remarkable resemblance to the one he’d had when the Russian had kicked me. I was glad to escape Father’s wrath for now and didn’t pull away from Matteo. Aria was hugging Lily to her side and both were whispering quietly. I hoped Aria could calm our sister down. I hated seeing Lily so distressed.

“I know what you did there,” Matteo murmured in my ear once he’d put the engagement ring on my finger.

“And what would that be?”

“You helped your sister.”

I slipped out from under his arm. “I wouldn’t have had to help her if she wasn’t terrified of you.”

Matteo didn’t look sorry. Maybe he wasn’t capable of guilt. “I’ll have a word with her.”

“Stay away from her,” I hissed, but he seemed to find my threatening tone funny, and I blew. My voice rose. I was beyond caring if the others would hear. “And while you’re at it, stay away from me too. I don’t want anything to do with your fucked-up world.”

Unfortunately Father heard, and so did probably everyone else in the room, and while Matteo didn’t seem to take my outburst to heart, Father’s scowl promised punishment. I had a feeling Matteo would have stopped him, if I’d asked for his help, but I didn’t want to be indebted to Matteo. I’d rather bear Father’s beatings.

I couldn’t stop staring at the yellow gold ring with the huge diamond in the center. Father had made it very clear what would happen if I took it off.

In our world it was like a cattle brand. Everyone would know whom I belonged to.



I hated having to involve Aria in any of this, but she was my last option. The biggest problem was actually asking her. I didn’t trust the phones. I wouldn’t put it past our father to rig them so he could keep an eye and ear on me. I had to ask her in person but as a punishment for my misstep at the engagement party I hadn’t been allowed to see Aria since our family’s Christmas party. But after weeks of begging, Lily and I finally managed to convince Father to let Lily and me fly to New York for Lily’s birthday in April.

Lily was practically bouncing with excitement during our flight. I was still surprised how quickly she’d recovered from the horrible events of last September. I really hoped she wouldn’t be set back by being back in New York. She’d been avoiding Matteo and Luca the last few times we’d seen them but this time we’d be staying at Luca’s penthouse, so there was no way she could do it.

The moment we walked into the waiting hall buzzing Copyright 2016 - 2024