Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,204

my ear. “I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. I always want you, Valentina. You drive me insane with desire, but I won’t do anything that could endanger our child.”

“I know. Me neither.” I smiled. “I still can’t believe that we’ll have a little girl soon. When we’re back home tomorrow, I’ll have to show you something I bought today.” I couldn’t wait to see his face when he saw the onesie. I hated that something as horrible as a rupture of membranes had finally brought us closer, but I was glad it had. Now we could look forward to the birth of our daughter together.

* * *

Dante kept his arm around my waist as he led me into our house, though I was perfectly capable of walking on my own. I felt good. Maybe the medication was helping. Or maybe our little girl had decided she liked it in my belly now that her parents had figured things out. Of course I knew I had to be careful. I couldn’t risk going into labor in the next couple of weeks. Our girl still had quite some growing to do.

Dante was about to lead me into the living room, but I shook my head. “I really want to take a shower.” Instead of guiding me toward the staircase, he picked me up and began carrying me upstairs. I was tall, and it couldn’t have been easy for Dante to manage the stairs with my added weight. When he set me down at the top, I said, “You don’t need to carry me. You won’t always be around when I need to take the stairs.”

“I don’t want you to use the stairs, Valentina,” he said, his voice not brooking an argument. “If I’m not around to carry you, then you’ll call for one of the guards.”

I could tell that he wouldn’t budge on the subject, and I was glad that he was trying to take care of me. “Okay. I promise.”

As we stepped into our bedroom, I saw that someone, probably Gaby, had carried up the bags with my purchases and set them down on the chair in front of my vanity. With a smile, I walked toward it and pulled out the onesie I’d bought yesterday before things had taken a turn for the worse. I held it up for Dante to see. “So what do you say?” My voice brimmed with excitement. I almost felt bad for feeling so exuberant after what had happened yesterday and what could still happen to our baby girl, but I was too hopeful to let worries overshadow my other emotions. Dante raised one eyebrow. “I doubt anyone will need the reminder.”

I laughed. “That’s what Bibi said. But it’s cute, don’t you think?”

His arm snuck around my waist. “It is. I thought you didn’t know if it was a girl or a boy?”

“I didn’t, but Bibi wanted to buy matching onesies. She was really hoping for a girl, so her daughter and ours could be best friends. She’ll be beside herself with excitement when I tell her.” I paused. “Have you told your parents that it’s a girl yet?”

Dante frowned slightly. “I talked to my mother last night after you fell asleep. She’s excited for us.”

“But your father isn’t?”

“He didn’t contact me yet. He’s probably trying the silent treatment as a way to show me his displeasure.”

“Really? It’s not like it was our choice to have a daughter. And I hate this fixation on boys anyway. A girl is worthy too.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Dante said. “But boys are seen as something that strengthens the Outfit, while girls only mean a weak link the men need to protect. It’s the way it’s always been. I can’t see it changing anytime soon.”

“Do you know if there’s ever been a woman inducted into any of the Famiglias in North America and beyond?”

Dante smiled wryly. “That would be news to me. And it won’t happen. I wouldn’t want my daughter to be part of the Outfit. I want her safe and protected. I don’t want blood on her hands and death in her dreams.”

“But you want that for our future son?” I asked softly. Dante brushed a strand of hair back from my shoulders. “It’s the way things are, Val. I will protect all of our children for as long as I can, but eventually our son, at least, will have to brave the dangers of our world. But he’ll be strong.”

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