Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 - Cora Reilly Page 0,150

outlook on life?” I asked.

He handed me the shower gel. A barrier had come up between us again now that we were no longer in bed, and I wasn’t sure how to tear it down. I could see that Dante wouldn’t allow it. “I’m a man of sin, Valentina. My experience has taught me that good seldom wins. If there is a devil, he’s certainly the patron of the Outfit.”

I leaned against the shower wall, frowning. “Nothing’s holding you back from being a better man.”

That cold smile was back. “Yes, something is—my nature.”


My mother called me early the next morning to invite me over for brunch. I knew she was eager to interrogate me how my marriage was going. I was actually surprised that it had taken her so long to contact me. Maybe she’d wanted to give Dante and me some alone time to get to know each other. I told her I couldn’t make it to brunch but would be there for teatime. I wasn’t sure how long my visit to the casino would take. I chose a chic beige outfit and modest heels for the occasion. I didn’t want to look too sexy for my first impression. I had a feeling I would have trouble getting everyone’s respect even without flashing my legs.

When I came down the staircase, Dante was already waiting in the entrance hall. As usual he was dressed impeccably in a dark brown three-piece suit and matching oxfords. His gaze flickered to me, and I hoped he’d approve of my clothes. “Is this okay?” I gestured at my body.

“You look like a businesswoman. That’s the right choice for today,” Dante said with a nod. I stepped up to him. I didn’t try to take his hand or kiss him, even though I wanted to.

“Only for today?”

“When you welcome our high rollers, you can dress more casually. Most of them are traditionalists, so a dress or skirt would be a wise choice.”

My eyebrows shot up. “I thought you didn’t choose me for the job because of my looks.”

Dante’s eyes traveled the length of my body. “Valentina, only a blind man wouldn’t notice you. It’s always good to charm up the high rollers as you would entertain guests who were invited to a party in our house. They know who you are. They know you are mine, and you taking your time to welcome them and tell them about our newest amenities will make them feel special. Nobody will mistake your hospitality for inappropriate flirting.”

I gave him a doubtful look, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. I was too grateful that he’d allow me to work at all. I didn’t have to listen to the rumors to know exactly what people would be saying about me once they found out the wife of the Boss wasn’t satisfied with being a trophy wife.

* * *

We took Dante’s Mercedes for our ride to the industrial part of Chicago because a snowstorm made the streets impassable for the Porsche. After thirty minutes, in which Dante explained what kind of gambling was most popular in our casinos and who the most important high rollers were, we pulled up in front of a gate barring the way down into an underground garage. Behind it loomed a massive storehouse with dirt-covered windows and graffiti-sprayed walls. A guard in a small cabin greeted Dante and opened the gate for us. We drove down the slope into a nondescript parking garage. Nothing hinted at the presence of a casino, but of course it made sense that the Outfit had to hide their illegal gambling endeavors. A few other cars were already parked in the garage. Dante steered the Mercedes into the spot between a sleek black BMW and a pretentious red Mustang with snow chains around its massive tires. I had a feeling I knew to whom the latter belonged.

Dante and I got out of the car. To my surprise, Dante put his hand on the small of my back as he led me toward a rusty elevator at the other end of the garage.

“Is it safe?” I asked suspiciously. That thing looked as if it was in desperate need of service.

Dante chuckled. “This is all make-believe.” For a moment, his eyes met mine and unexpected warmth filled me. Dante pushed a small black button and the elevator doors slid open. The inside wasn’t much better than the outside. This was a freight elevator with bare steel walls and a scratched-up Copyright 2016 - 2024