The Bookworm's Guide to Faking (The Bookworm's Guide #2) - Emma Hart Page 0,54

the end of her straw. “I don’t think it’s less than your new rent, though.”

Saylor grunted. “Well, I have thirty days to fix this before I have to pay money I don’t have.”

“I actually know someone who’s looking for a new place,” Seb said after a moment.

She narrowed her eyes and sipped her drink. “He’s not a baseball player, is he?”

“What’s wrong with baseball players?”

“Everything,” I muttered.

Everyone looked at me.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“So full of shit,” Tori said out of the corner of her mouth.

Seb’s eyes glinted when they met mine, and he turned back to Say. “Well?”

“Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but—”

“I’m going to be offended, aren’t I?”

“Cleat chasers,” Saylor said simply. “If I’m not getting laid, I don’t want to hear anyone else getting laid. I like my privacy, and if I have to share my apartment, I don’t want to do it with some asshole who’s gonna bring random girls into my space.”

She had a very valid point.

“Dylan isn’t like that,” Seb said. “He’s a nice guy. Look, he just took a job with my team as one of the personal trainers and needs a place to stay. He’s in a shitty house share in Helena right now. It’s too far but he’s struggling to find a place.”

“Why doesn’t he live with you? Your house is huge.”

“I don’t like sharing my space,” he replied.

“Neither do I,” Saylor said in a biting tone.

“You don’t really have a choice,” Seb said blithely. “Besides, I already offered a spare room to Dylan and he said no.”

“A spare room. No need to brag,” Tori sang.

“Don’t you have a spare room?” Colton asked her. “Why doesn’t Saylor move in with you?”

Tori smirked. “She doesn’t want to listen to people having sex, Colton. I don’t mean to brag, but I have a lot of that.”

“Your vibrator doesn’t count,” Kinsley said, her straw caught between her teeth. She waved toward the bar and motioned for another round.

“If you think a vibrator doesn’t count, you need a new vibrator.”

Josh leaned forward. “She’s just fine, thank you.”

“Can we not discuss this?” Colton held up his hands. “Just because I’m okay with the relationship, doesn’t mean I want to think about what they do when they’re alone.”

Seb leaned back in his seat with a grin. “I missed this.”

“Really?” I replied dryly as Colton and Tori bickered. “I regret this.”

He laughed. “Saylor, Dylan is coming to White Peak in a few days to go through a new workout with me. My doctor said I can start lifting weights again, so he’ll be here for a couple of days. I’ll introduce you.”

She made a noise that could either be interpreted as reluctant agreement or downright annoyance. It was probably a little weird mixture of both, but she picked up her empty glass before realizing it was empty and putting it right back down again.

“That went well,” I remarked.

“It did not,” Saylor said sharply from the other side of the table. “Nothing about this is a good thing.”

Seb knocked his foot against mine and winked. “Did I tell you he’s British?”

Four sets of female eyes swung his way.

Mine. Tori’s. Kinsley’s.

And Saylor’s.

“Come again?” Saylor said, her eyelashes fluttering frantically as she blinked. “What was that?”

“And there it is.” Colton smirked and raised his beer to Seb. “Looks like she’s interested in your friend after all.”

“Is he the one you mentioned at the wedding?” I asked Seb, picking up a menu even though I already knew what I wanted to eat.

I mean, I’d had a hand in the menu.

“Yeah.” Seb turned in his chair so he was facing me. “I just spoke to him this morning when I saw my doctor. Of course, it wasn’t snowing then, so I don’t know if he’ll be able to get here still, but…”

“Do not dangle a British man in my face only to take him away, Sebastian,” Saylor warned. “You get him here under any circumstances, do you hear me? You’re rich. Get a helicopter or something to get him here.”

“I thought you didn’t want a roommate.” Kinsley grinned.

“I don’t want a roommate,” Saylor agreed. “But if I’m going to have one, there’s worse I could do than a hot British one.”

“I never said he was hot,” Sebastian said.

“Is he hot?”

He held his hands out. “I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?”

“Guys don’t pay attention to that kinda stuff.”

“Straight guys don’t,” Tori corrected him. “So ask Colton. Maybe he knows.”

Colton didn’t even look at her. “I’ve never met him. And I’m straighter than Copyright 2016 - 2024