The Bookworm's Guide to Faking (The Bookworm's Guide #2) - Emma Hart Page 0,15

Tegan’s room and wake her up, I’m going to kill you.”

“I’m not going in there. I’m coming to join the conversation about all Holley’s problems.” He took a seat in the armchair. “What is it this time? Stuck between a romance or a thriller?”

I offered him the finger. “Just because you’re my brother-in-law doesn’t mean you get to talk shit to me. That’s my job to you.”

He grinned. “But that’s not fun.”

“I have to be honest and say that I don’t really care,” I mused.

He poked his tongue out at me right as Tegan started to wail from her room. “I got her,” he said right as Ivy went to move. “Stay there.”

She smiled at him, and he brushed his hand over her hair as he passed her.

I sighed.

Oh, to have a love like theirs.

“What?” Ivy said, seeing me stare at her.

“Nothing.” I shook my head and sipped my cocoa. “I was just wondering what it would feel like to be loved as much as he loves you.”

She smiled. “Well, sitting here bitching isn’t helping you find out, is it?”

Why was everyone other than me right today?



rule six: if your grandfather thinks you’re dating… you might as well just agree.

“Holley? You’re bringing Holley?” Kate blinked at me across the kitchen island. “As in Holley-Holley?”

“No, Holly Madison,” I said dryly. “Yes, Holley.”

“Whoa.” She was taken aback for a moment and slowly lowered herself onto one of the bar stools, leaning right back against the back cushion. “I didn’t see that one coming.”

She and I both.

“I have to know how you pulled that off. Everyone knows she’s never forgiven you for Iris.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I snapped. “I’m sick of hearing about fucking Iris. You know that was a mistake.”

“Does she?”

“No. She won’t listen to me, but finally agreed to talk after your wedding.”

“Ah, it makes sense now.” She stirred sweetener into her coffee. “You beat her down until she finally agreed.”

I grinned over the rim of my Bears mug. “Nope. I tricked her into saying yes to going with me, then wore her down.”

Kate blinked at me, unamused. “You haven’t grown up at all, have you?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I’ve grown up a lot. But I haven’t seen her in years, and I feel like an idiot around her.”

“Don’t tell me you still have feelings for her.”

“Don’t be stupid.” I sipped my coffee. “I’ve dated other people since then.”

“Nobody serious.”

“What’s that got to do with it? I have a busy schedule. It’s not like I can drop everything for someone who doesn’t get that. It’s not like most of the women around me see me as anything more than a walking wallet and attention.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you need to keep better company?” She arched an eyebrow. “Just an idea.”

I stared at her. She wasn’t wrong. “Present company included,” I drawled.

“Funny. Brat.” She lifted her cup to her lips and sipped. “So you’re not even bringing her to the ceremony, huh?”

“I didn’t think she’d want to go.”

“Well, I haven’t seen her in a while. I’d be happy to see her there. Text her and find out.”

“I had to trick her into a party, Kate. Do you really think she’s going to agree to more?”

“Ask her and find out.” She pushed my phone toward me. “Or I’ll drive into town and tell her what really happened at prom.”

“You’re too old to be blackmailing me.” I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

“And you’re too old to be doing the yes-no game with the girl you were once in love with, but here we are.”

“I was never in love with her.”

“I beg to differ, but whatever.”

I was absolutely in love with Holley eight years ago.

ME: Kate said she wants you to come to the ceremony if you’re able to.

“There, done.” I put my phone back down. “Are you happy now?”

“I’ll be happy when I’m Mrs. Perry and I can breathe easy,” she admitted. “Until then, I’m wondering if you have any liquor for this coffee.”

I retrieved a bottle of Irish cream from the bottle rack under the island and put it in front of her.

She poured it in until her mug was almost brimming over the top and, still gripping the neck of the bottle, leaned forward and slurped from the rim.

“You all right over there, sis?”

“Yup.” She finally released the bottle. “You have a text.”

A glance at my phone confirmed she was right.

HOLLEY: I mean… I can, but I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea.

I relayed the message Copyright 2016 - 2024