The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,98

her phone dinged. She picked it up to see who’d sent her a text—and froze when she saw Quinn’s name.

She almost ignored it. It was late enough that she should be asleep. But then she read it: I miss you, he’d said, and she couldn’t resist responding.

I miss you, too. As hard as she’d tried not to allow herself to daydream about him, or dwell on the time they’d spent together, it was impossible. The second she lowered her guard, like right before she fell asleep at night, he invaded her thoughts and dreams. She’d even packed up Nick’s belongings yesterday and moved the boxes into the garage, because it felt too dishonest to be living among the daily reminders of the fact that she might still have a husband out there somewhere.

When can I see you?

She bit her lip as she contemplated how she should answer that question.

I don’t know. Maybe after the fundraiser. I have a lot to do before tomorrow night.

Let me help you. I’ve offered—many times. It’s my mother who’s sick. I want to be a bigger part of it.

She felt bad that she hadn’t responded to his offers. But she’d been trying to avoid getting even deeper into a relationship with him, needed to slow everything down and reevaluate.

If I see you, I doubt I’ll want to work.

We can work afterward, he wrote back with a winking emoji.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, she battled the temptation to tell him to come over right now. She wanted to feel his arms around her, to tell him about Taylor and see what he thought, which was weird, since she hadn’t even told her mother.

I’m too tired tonight, she said and forced herself to power down her phone.

* * *

Mike and Beth Vanderbilt were the first to arrive at the Rotary Clubhouse for the start of the fundraiser. Autumn had told them they didn’t need to be there until seven. That was when it officially began. But they walked through the doors at six, as dressed up and polished as though they were going to church.

Autumn couldn’t help noticing how uncomfortable they both looked—not only because he was wearing a suit and tie and she a dress and heels—but because they were unable to hide the fact that they were dreading the rest of the evening.

She tried to put them at ease with a bright smile and gave them each a hug, being careful not to disturb the wig Beth sometimes wore since losing her hair. “This won’t be as bad as you think,” she whispered to Mike before letting him go, and realized afterward that she probably shouldn’t have said anything, because tears welled up, at which point he pretended to pick a piece of lint off his jacket.

“Please,” Autumn said. “These are your friends. They love you and are grateful for all you have done for this community.”

“I haven’t done anything—” he started, but she cut him off.

“You employ people who can support their families because of your business, and you’ve pitched in and donated every time anyone else has had a need. Beth is one of us. You’re not the only one who has a responsibility to care for her.”

Mike nodded grudgingly, and Beth, her face pale, her dress hanging on what was now a bony frame, seemed too sick and weary to bother with being quite as embarrassed as her husband. With a faint smile, she gripped Autumn’s hand and thanked her for all the hard work she’d put into the fundraiser.

“It’s my pleasure,” Autumn assured her. “But should you really stay for the event when you’d be more comfortable resting at home?”

“I’d rather thank everyone in person,” she said softly.

The Vanderbilts were stubborn people. Good people, as Laurie had proclaimed when Autumn first arrived in town. “Okay. I’ve got a seat for you both right up front.” She pointed to the table closest to the podium. “Mike, why don’t you get Beth settled? Then I have a few things you could do to help out, if you don’t mind,” she said, knowing he would feel far less self-conscious if he could stay busy and contribute.

“You got it,” he responded and led his wife to the table marked Reserved.

Autumn was still trying to swallow the lump in her throat, put there by Mike’s emotion and the fact that she was beginning to believe Beth wasn’t going to make it, regardless of what they did, when she spotted Quinn, who must’ve come in on Copyright 2016 - 2024