The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,62 deal with my shit?”

“You’re trembling,” he said, shocked. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

She was relieved by the compassion in his eyes. “Because I don’t want to tell you.”

“Come here.” He pulled her into the first hug they’d shared—probably since they were little. “I’m your brother. We may fight, but I’m the one who will always be there for you.”

“No matter what?” The warmth of his body felt good. Somehow, she was freezing in spite of the heat and humidity.

“No matter what,” he confirmed.

Grateful she had a brother like him, she rested her forehead on his shoulder as she tried to stop shaking. “Does that mean you’ll give me a few days to tell you the rest?”

“If that’s what you need. Just...take a deep breath and calm down. You’re scaring me.”

Thank God he had a sensitive heart. Although she was jealous of how easily he seemed to sail through life, she could see why so many people loved him. She began to warm up and calm down—until he said, “We’ll get through this. At least you’re not a lesbian, right?”

She was pretty sure he was joking, that he was just trying to cheer her up. But it was comments like that one that told her what she’d face if she was.


She’d just kissed a man who wasn’t Nick. And it had been surprisingly easy. The hard part was stopping.

Autumn stared at the family photograph that included her husband on her dresser. When he was around, she’d been so certain of who she was—Mrs. Nick Divac—what she wanted and where she was going in life.

At least...she’d been resigned to her current situation, had remained fully committed to the relationship even if their marriage had lost the sizzle that’d made it so much easier in the beginning. They’d had far too much going, what with the kids and the comfortable life they’d lived, to walk away from each other.

And now...everything had been turned on its head. The future she’d envisioned had changed without warning. But until she knew one way or the other, she still owed Nick her full loyalty, didn’t she? So why couldn’t she quit thinking of Quinn?

Shaking her head at her own behavior, she got undressed for bed. But just before she plugged in her phone to charge for the night, she noticed a text from an unknown number.

Just wanted you to know—that had to be the most incredible kiss I’ve ever had.

Who is this?

It had to be Quinn, but she hadn’t provided her number. How had he reached her?

She received a selfie, proving it was indeed him.

Have you kissed anyone else tonight?

[[laughing emoji]]

She stretched the screen to make the image bigger, just because she liked looking at him—and couldn’t help saving that picture to her photos. That grin, she thought with a chuckle. It looked rather boyish, which was endearing. How’d you get my number? she wrote.

You put it on the flyers you handed out this morning.

She groaned. Of course. The whole town had her number now, because she was hoping they’d use it to contribute to the fundraiser.

If you had a flyer, why did you ask for my number?

I would rather you had given it to me. But since you didn’t... I’m not too proud to get it where I can.

Nick seemed to be glaring at her from that picture across the room—and glancing over there wiped the smile from her face.

Quinn, I can’t see you again.

You can’t wait for Nick forever, Autumn.

I can at least hold off from dating until my kids are out of the house.

That’s two more years.

I know.

I’m good with kids. Give me a chance. I bet they’d like me.

I don’t want them to think I’m trying to replace their father.

It doesn’t have to be like that, he wrote. We can take it slow. As slow as you want.

After all these years, she had Quinn Vanderbilt wanting to go out with her—but she couldn’t.

Let’s meet at the beach in the morning, he wrote.

At 6:00 a.m.? You’re crazy!

We can be alone then—go running, swimming or walking. Whatever you want. Then we’ll grab a bagel. If someone sees us, we’ll say we’re going over the fundraiser. And you can be back before Taylor and Caden even roll out of bed.

She looked at the time at the top of the screen.

It’s midnight—six hours will be enough sleep for you?

I won’t be able to sleep tonight, anyway.


I can’t stop thinking about you.

Autumn’s pulse sped up. She’d been having a difficult time resisting him before he was Copyright 2016 - 2024