The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,145

she stared down the street in the direction of Mimi’s house and the beach. “Why couldn’t my dad have come back two months ago? Then everything would be different.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I know.”

“What does his return mean for—for whether you’ll be staying?”

“Who can say? Everything is up in the air now. My dad acts as though he’d be willing to move here, even though he never wanted to do it before, but now I don’t think my mom wants to stay.”

“I can understand why. What about Quinn? They were so happy together.”

“My mom and dad were happy, too,” she said, feeling immediately defensive. But she’d been the one to defend Quinn in the restaurant when that old biddy marched up to their table and was so rude, so she couldn’t fault Sierra. She liked Quinn as much as anyone.

“This sucks,” Sierra said. “I mean... I’m glad your dad’s back. I know how much you missed him, but this could change everything.”

“You’ll like my dad once you get to know him,” she said hopefully.

“It’s not about that. Have you mentioned me yet?”

“I haven’t. But I’m guessing my mother has.”

“You think she’s told him that we’re more than friends?”

“She told him about the baby, so why not that?”

“What did he say about the baby?”

“Just that he’d help my mom babysit while I’m in college.”

“In other words, he’ll take Quinn’s place.”

“Quinn took his place first.” When that same defensiveness welled up again, Sierra fell silent.

“I’m sorry, Sierra,” Taylor said as she pivoted to head back toward the bookstore. “I don’t mean to take this out on you. I’m just...confused.”

“It was my bad. I turn into a smartass when I feel threatened. I don’t want to lose you.”

“No matter what happens, you will always be my first love.”

“That already sounds like goodbye.”

Caden came out of the bookstore. With the way his shoulders were rounded and he had his hands shoved in his pockets, Taylor knew he wasn’t his normal, happy-go-lucky self. “Listen, I’ll have to call you back later,” she said to Sierra.

“No problem. I understand.”

Contrary to what she’d just said, Taylor knew Sierra was upset. But she had to deal with her family first. She pressed the end button and looked up at her brother. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything. I thought we’d all be so happy if only Dad could come home.”

She sighed as she put her phone in her pocket. “A lot has changed in two years.”

“Yeah. Mom found another man,” he said glumly.

“Mom and Dad just...need to spend more time together, get to know each other again.”

Mimi stepped out of the store. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. We’re fine,” Taylor said and waited for her to go back in before speaking again. “I hate to tell you this, but... I’ve made a decision.”

“What’s that?”

“Even if you guys go back to Tampa, I’m staying here.” She felt strangely empowered just saying it. Her decision would have consequences—not all of them pleasant—but she was going to take control of her own life.

“I guessed you’d say that. But what happens after the baby is born? How will you go to college?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll have to take online classes.”

“That isn’t the life Mom wants for you.”

“I liked what we had set up better, too, Caden. I’m going to need her. But I’m not going back to Tampa.”

* * *

Ignoring all the activity on the beach, as well as the afternoon heat, Quinn sat in the spot where he and Autumn had made love and stared out to sea. He was supposed to be at the restaurant, but he couldn’t stay focused on what he was doing at work. First, he’d dropped a pan of scalding water and nearly burned the feet of one of their waitresses. Then he cut his finger so deeply while chopping vegetables that his father insisted he go have someone take a look at it.

Mike thought he was driving to a med center right now to get stitches, but Quinn had just duct-taped the cut closed and headed to the beach, hoping that having a chance to be alone and gather his thoughts might help him get a better grip on his emotions.

He’d fallen hard for Autumn, had assumed he’d finally have the wife and family he’d always wanted—and been totally blindsided. Who would’ve believed that after nearly two years without a single word to his family, Nick would show up out of the blue?

He wondered how Autumn was feeling about the situation, how much she’d told Nick about them and if Nick was surprised Copyright 2016 - 2024