The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,106


“Don’t ever let her know I knew before she did,” he said.

She perked up at his response. “I won’t. I promise. And I’ll tell Caden to keep his mouth shut, too.”


Obviously relieved, she seemed ready to head back, but he had something else he wanted to say while he had the chance. “You know your mother and I went to school together, don’t you?”

“Yeah, you told us that at the restaurant.” Her expression said she understood this was leading somewhere.

“So we didn’t just meet.”

“What are you trying to say?” she asked, once again skeptical.

Despite the heat, Quinn suddenly felt as though he was walking on a pond covered with ice and had to move carefully or he’d fall through. “I like her, Taylor—I like her a lot. But I don’t want the fact that I like her to make you feel threatened in any way. I’m not trying to take your father’s place. Even if your mother and I end up getting into a serious relationship, you never have to accept me as a father if you don’t want to. Whatever relationship we have, I’d rather it be genuine, so I’d settle for being your friend, if that’s all you want me to be.”

She seemed to relax again as she nodded.

“I’m sorry for what you’ve been through,” he added. “But your mother loves you very much, and I’m not going to come between you. I’m not even going to try.”

Her lip trembled slightly. A girl her age facing a pregnancy had to be terrified. But at least she had a good mother.

Standing taller, she cleared her throat. “Got it. Okay. Thanks.”

“Come on. Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see,” he said and hoped to God it was true—not only for her sake but his own. Now that he’d agreed to keep her secret, if Autumn ever found out, he’d have something to lose, too.


The latest batch of pictures you sent is awesome. Autumn is so beautiful. So are Taylor and Caden. Wow. Thank you for sharing these.

Mary was alone at the bookstore when that message came in. She’d been communicating with Tammy almost every day since they’d spoken on the phone, usually by text, which was less threatening to her because she could take some time to consider her response before sending it.

Although she’d been reluctant at first, she was beginning to enjoy getting to know the adult Tammy, which came as a complete surprise. She’d had herself so convinced that she needed to stay away from anything to do with the Skinners that she would’ve missed this chance to reconnect had Tammy not paid Drake D. Owens to find her.

Does Taylor have a boyfriend? Tammy asked.

Mary thought she might have a girlfriend, but she didn’t mention that.

Not right now. She did a while back, but they broke up after Christmas.

What about Caden?

He’s never had a girlfriend, as far as I know.

How’s Autumn and Quinn getting along?

She’d told Tammy about the fireworks show and how excited she was that her daughter was starting a new relationship.

Great. She’s as giddy as a teenager.

I’m thrilled she’s found someone. It must’ve been difficult to lose Nick.

Mary was surprised that Tammy remembered so much of what she’d been told. Names, facts, what was going on with each individual. She seemed to be genuinely interested in their lives.

He was a great guy in so many ways. But I think she and Quinn were meant to be together from the beginning.

Are you hoping she’ll move back to Sable Beach?

I am. She only went to Tampa for Nick.

Sable Beach seems like such a great town. How did you wind up there?

I saw it in a travel magazine your mother had—Ten Best Beach Towns on the East Coast. I loved it so much I tore out the page and kept it with me for probably years. The wholesome look of the town made me feel safe, and I decided I was going to raise Autumn in such a place.

The bell rang over the door as Joann Hunter came in with her granddaughter, Megan, who was maybe thirteen. As usual, they were carrying a sack of donuts and a drink they’d purchased from down the street. Mary was eager to get the coffee shop in and opened, so that she could sell pastries and fresh-squeezed juice and coffee, especially now that she’d committed to the loan and it was no longer just a pipe dream. “Morning.”

“Morning,” they said and then laughed at each other because they’d spoken in unison.

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