Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge #1) - Alexa Riley Page 0,16

find myself disappointed that I don’t have a single text from him. I put my phone away, stealing a sip of Kayla’s shake. He’s busy and he’ll probably be by later. I tell myself this and wonder if I can make it that long before I start to let doubt creep back in.

Chapter Eight


“Who is she?” my mother asks as I place the bag of books on her bedside table.

I sigh, sitting in the chair that’s beside her bed and stretching my legs out. I don’t respond but raise an eyebrow at her and we both know I’m not going to tell.

“You know, you used to tell me all your secrets,” she huffs, like she’s offended.

“I was four.”

“I liked you more then.” She crosses her arms over her chest and looks away from me, but I see the smile pull at her lips.

“Her name is Barbara.”

She gasps and whips around to look at me with wide eyes. “The woman that owns the bookstore? Do you think you can get me a discount?”

“You’re shameless, you know that?”

She shrugs as one of her nurses comes in to check her vitals and lay out her meds. We make small talk in the meantime and they go over her stats.

My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer two years ago. It was sudden and rapid, but she’s a fighter. Luckily they found it early, but going through the treatments made her weak. She’s been slowly building back strength and some days I think she’s back to her old self. Today is a physical therapy day, and although she likes to flirt with her instructor, she’s getting there little by little.

“You ready to stretch those legs, Mrs. Cora?” Dwayne asks.

“You know if you want in my pants you could be a little more subtle,” she coos as she moves to the edge of the bed.

“Mom,” I scold but she just ignores me.

“Kids really put a damper on your sex like. I really should have thought about that sooner.”


“I’m kidding.” She looks at me and then winks. “Kind of.”

I watch her and Dwayne go through their normal workout and I see the progress she’s made. She might be older, but my mom is far from down for the count.

Ignoring her fresh comments to the male nurse, I think about what Barbie might be up to. I had to leave her earlier to finish up a few things on a job site and then come by and check on Mom. I’ve been living in this house since I moved back home to be with her, but now I’m thinking I should have gotten my own place.

Being able to stay at Barbie’s place was nice. I like that it smelled like her. My thoughts wander to what she’s doing and what she’s thinking about. Is she thinking about us and last night as much as I am?

I pull out my phone and fire off a quick text just telling her I can’t stop thinking about her and I’ll be by later to take her to dinner. A real date this time.

When I don’t get a response back right away I try not to worry and put my phone away. She’s probably busy at the shop, and then I worry if she’s eaten today. We didn’t have time for breakfast before she had to open the store and I had to be on the job site. Maybe I could swing by the store and bring her a snack before dinner. Would that be coming on too strong? Fuck, I already practically came in her pussy, is bringing her a snack really too far?

“Dwayne, if you’re going to give me a workout like that and make me hot and sweaty, at least bring cigarettes for afterwards.”

“Mother!” My tone is warning her but she just waves her hand like she’s batting away my disapproval.

“Just ignore him, Dwayne, he’s in love.”

“Oh really? Is that true, Mr. Shaw?” Dwayne asks as he helps my mother over to her sitting chair by the window where she likes to read in the afternoons.

I blink a few times before I answer and my mother turns her eyes on me. There’s a knowing look there and she’s daring me to disagree. I open my mouth to speak and then close it again. What the hell am I feeling?

“The poor boy doesn’t even know it yet.” She winks at me as she settles into her seat. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”

We say goodbye to Dwayne and when he leaves Copyright 2016 - 2024