Bookshop by the Sea - Denise Hunter Page 0,54

at me?”

“Wish I’d gotten that on video. It was almost as good as when you tripped over the paint pan a few days ago.”

“That was not funny. I made a huge mess.”

He chuckled again. “And then when Pippa ran through it . . .”

Having joined his side, Sophie nudged him with her shoulder, favoring her good foot and almost losing her balance again.

“Those little blue paw prints . . . I kind of hated to get rid of the carpet after that.”

“She made a mess! And it took thirty minutes to get the paint off her paws.”


Sophie jumped at the voice coming from the darkened entryway.

A woman descended the porch steps. Even though it was too dark to make out her features or expression, Sophie knew instantly who she was.

* * *

“Tiffany.” Aiden finally found his tongue. His humor scattered in the wind. “What are you doing here?”

Pippa yapped at Tiffany as her gaze darted between Sophie and Aiden.

“Tiffany, this is Sophie Lawson. Sophie . . . Tiffany.”

They exchanged unenthusiastic pleasantries, then Tiffany addressed him. “Since you’d been delayed again, I thought I might surprise you.”

Well, she’d certainly managed to do that.

“And I brought your award.” She extended it to him. “In case you wanted to see it in person.”

“That was thoughtful.” As he received it he dimly noted the trophy’s substantial weight, but it was too dark to appreciate its aesthetics.

Sophie stooped down, gathering the yipping dog. “I think I’ll head inside and get Pippa some water.”

He held out the trophy. “Would you take this inside, please?”


Aiden watched her walk between the house’s pilings and inside through the lower door, wanting with everything in him to follow her inside.

But Tiffany had driven a long way to see him. He should be glad to see the woman, but her appearance only felt like an intrusion.

And that’s how he knew what he had to do. His chest weighted with the realization. “It’s a nice night. Why don’t we take a walk on the beach?”


Tiffany fell into step beside him as he walked around the corner of the house and down the flagstone path to the beach. She was unusually quiet tonight. Normally when they spent a few hours together, her chattering got on his nerves. It didn’t escape him that he’d spent five solid days with Sophie and hadn’t tired of her once.

When they reached the beach they shucked their shoes and continued toward the shoreline. The moon hung low, glowing in the sky, its reflection a shimmering cone on the water’s surface. Aiden drew in a lungful of briny sea air as he reached the hard-packed sand and turned north, the cool water lapping at his feet. Tiffany came alongside him.

“How’d you get here so fast?” Charleston was a five-hour drive. “It had to be past noon when I told you I’d been delayed.”

“I guess that says it all.” Tiffany gave a wry laugh. “It was just a whim. It was a slow workday, and I thought you might be glad to see me. Guess I was wrong.”

Aiden scratched the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. You surprised me is all. It’s been a long day.”

“Yes, it sounded like you were exhausted when you got here.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but she beat him to the punch.

“Look, Aiden. I didn’t mean to . . . overstep our relationship. I know we’re not an item or anything—but I thought we were headed that direction. And ever since you left for the wedding, you’ve seemed a little distant.”

“I’m sorry . . .”

“I don’t want an apology. I came because I’d hoped I’d misinterpreted things. That maybe it was just the long-distance communication. That you were distracted with this project you’re helping your friend with. But I see now that’s not it at all.”

He’d thought he’d done a better job of hiding his feelings. But he shouldn’t have been hiding them at all. He should’ve been seeing them for the signs they were. He wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship with Tiffany.

“And it doesn’t take a genius to see there’s still something between you and your old girlfriend.”

Aiden shook his head even though the memory of their kiss still warmed him. “That’s not going to happen.”

Tiffany stopped in her tracks, facing him.

The moonlight touched her pretty features. She’d never looked more beautiful, but he couldn’t conjure up any real feelings for her. Nothing beyond friendship at least.

“But neither is this—is it?”

“It’s not you, Tiffany. I like you a lot. You’re fun to Copyright 2016 - 2024